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My name is Theresa, From Alberta, Canada. You can find me over at @Little_alberta_homestead on Instagram doing ‘homesteady things.' My husband and I have dreamed about owning a bit of property and having it work for us in a small hobby type farm setting, so we went out and did the dang thing earlier this year! We recently found a bit of land in Southern Alberta and are in the throes of renovating it and getting the land ready to have a few animals! Feel free to follow along if that's your jam or just interested in watching the daily challenges and adventures!
Over the years, we have been gradually shifting to a low-tox, self sustainable lifestyle. And EMF mitigation was one of our top priorities as we have been making that shift.

Our Journey to EMF Protection
I’ve been an active Aires Tech ambassador and customer for a few years now, and have never looked back. Even now, as we have moved onto our homestead in southern Alberta in a rural setting, some may think: Why would you need EMF mitigation? Well we have the internet, and It needs to always be on since we don't get the greatest phone reception even with a cell tower not too far from us. With little ones, and being rural, I need to have access to internet at any given time if ever needed.
I’m very passionate about making changes for the better for my family. Being almost 40, I’ve already put my body through the ringer in the past, but I believe there is time and opportunity to heal it. My two little ones - 2.5 years old and 6 months - are so fresh and healthy. It's my job to protect them knowing what I know now. I need to do better for them and to help them have the best start and environment to grow up in.
Click here to explore the current EMF regulations in place to protect children.
My story on finding Aires Tech and becoming a client may resonate with some of you - as I feel many in the community of ‘awareness’ understand when it comes to choosing to live a “cleaner” “low-tox” lifestyle. There is usually a catalyst when it comes to learning of certain unseen dangers such as EMFs - and for me - there were a few markers that lead me to Aires Tech seeking protection: cancer in our family, 5G rollout, working remote, and the kicker - infertility. So, I’ll start at the beginning!

Experiencing the Effects of EMFs
If I want to be exact - I can pinpoint my very first awareness moment with EMF disruption and the potential dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) back in 2001, which was when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 32. Back in that day it was quite unusual, and it was a truly unexpected blow given our family's lack of prior cancer history. At the time, we lived right beside a major double “hydro pole hi-way.” You know - those BIG hydro pylons. Upon my mothers diagnosis and cancer fight, these became a subject of speculation and ‘hot topic’ as a potential contributor to her illness.
I was quite young at the time, so this speculation was only on my radar - but it was certainly something that was discussed. It stuck with me, and would drift in and out of my thoughts over the following formative years. Compounding this concern, in that era of my life was our daily exposure to an older-style microwave. I always recall my dad being very adamant that this was a major source of radiation and very unhealthy to have in the home. These pivotal moments initiated years of intermittent research into EMFs and their effects on long term health. And as the world got more technological and cellular - there was always a layer of caution.
EMF and Fertility
Fast forward to 2017, a focus on mine and my husband's overall health intensified due to our fertility journey. This included peeling back layers of learning and unlearning truths about the food industry, endocrine disruptors, a found appreciation for energy healing and becoming a practitioner, and of course truly diving into the topic of EMFs and their effects. We started trying for our family back in 2017. We had struggled with conceiving for 4 years - and as some may or may not be aware, during the uptick in the covid narrative the buzz word of ‘5G’ technology and its rapid rollout also kicked off. This added another layer of urgency to my quest for understanding and protection against EMFs.
On top of all of this - I was working from home at the time - which meant I found myself tethered to my computer and phone, immersed in a digital realm that pulsated with electromagnetic energy. As an individual highly attuned to energy, I can truly say that I experienced heightened stress from the constant barrage of EMFs. As a practicing Reiki practitioner, attunement to subtle energies is paramount, and I can attest that I was aware of the amplified EMF exposure in my work environment.
Our fertility journey, having been such a significant hurdle in our lives, truly underscored the gravity of the situation. It propelled me further down the rabbit hole of EMF awareness and the pursuit of safeguarding measures for ourselves and our future well-being. I sought ways to mitigate its effects - for example, turning to traditional methods like copper coils and sugnite, yet I would often forget them in a spot - which left me looking for a more technologically advanced solution. I craved a holistic approach that combined ancient wisdom with modern innovation, and something capable of harmonizing the energetic discord brought on by our increasingly digitized lives.

Discovering Aires Tech
My quest led me to explore cutting-edge EMF protection devices that seamlessly integrated into my daily routine, while aligning with my holistic lifestyle goals. In 2020, my journey toward finding effective EMF protection reached a turning point when I stumbled upon Aires Tech. I was instantly intrigued by their patented technology. I delved into their research papers and was pleasantly surprised by how ‘digestible’ and accessible they made their complex concepts. Their clear explanations, accompanied by comprehensible graphs, videos and compelling case studies, resonated with me, even without a background in this highly scientific field. The idea that I could mitigate the constant presence of EMFs from my devices without any active effort on my part was revolutionary.
A Mother’s Peace of Mind
It wasn't until the arrival of my first baby, (Yes we went on to have a child - and now we are blessed with two!) that I took the plunge and invested in my first Aires tech product, the LifetuneONE.
As a new mother, I felt a heightened sense of responsibility to protect my baby, especially considering the unavoidable presence of my phone. You better believe I did my best to not use it around her while breastfeeding, but it happens. Screentime is unavoidable as the reality of living far from our immediate family, and that meant that video calls were an essential part of our daily routine. But of course, recognizing the importance of safeguarding her developing body, I knew it was imperative to take proactive steps to minimize her exposure to EMFs. With the LifetuneONE, I found peace of mind knowing that I was providing both of my children with a layer of protection against the pervasive electromagnetic fields that surround us.
As anyone who finds themselves on a path to living a low-tox/non-tox, cleaner lifestyle knows, it can seem daunting at times. Information overload, upfront costs, finding new theories on what you may have thought was a better solution, etc. I’m there - riding the wave. But one thing is for sure - the world is becoming more and more connected with EMFs all around us. That is not changing, but only becoming more apparent and rampant.
I truly feel that setting your family up for long term success in this area takes time, and good quality products to start with is the first step. This means it may take some time to get to where you want to be - as funds allow. Two things I keep in mind:
“Know better, do better.”
“Each better decision leads to another better decision.”
Before you know it, you can smell laundry detergent aisles from miles away. And in the case with Aries tech products, you'll have a few Aries tech devices in your arsenal before you know it. I recommend that if you can allot a bit of a budget quarterly into a “health and wellness” fund, it makes the investment into Aires Tech products totally achievable over time.

Favorite Aires Tech Devices
My LifeTune One has been on my phone case since 2021. I got that product first because that was my personal phone always with me, and a major stressor. Next up I decided on the LifeTuneZone due to the fact that we recently moved to a new home, which at the time was only a two bedroom house. As a family of soon to be four, we needed to add on two bedrooms for the kids - which meant we had to convert the garage into two bedrooms, which meant that one of the bedrooms would have the electrical panel in it. It was my worst nightmare, just knowing what I know about EMF’s. So we have taken every precaution in safeguarding that room from EMFs and that meant adding an Aires Tech LifetuneZone in there.
Next we got a LifeTune Go due to the fact that my husband ended up getting a second vehicle. It is is new, with screens, sensors, charging docks, all those fancy convenient things. Our LifeTuneGo will be protecting him and us on the road. When we head into the city now, I know we are protected. My goodness, we both notice the buzz and energy that cities emit once we enter! I will likely get another Zone in the near future as funds allow for my living room, as that is where our modem and internet router is. Especially as it is ALWAYS on, and my kids play very close to it. I find their Bundles offer GREAT value - especially if you can snag a bundle code from one of their affiliates like myself.
I would love to have you follow our journey over on instagram, and continue to help spread the awareness and importance of EMF protection for everyone's long term health and wellness (amongst other avenues such as DIY dishwashing detergent!) Aries Tech has been a game changer for my family and I, and it allows us to welcome in the amazing opportunities that new tech provides us with without having to worry about the nasty effects!