Table of contents
In this episode of The Wave Forward podcast, host Michaela speaks with Kassie Grecula, an advocate for low-tox living and wellness. Kassie shares her powerful story about discovering the impacts of environmental toxins such as EMFs and mold on her health, and how making changes to her lifestyle has dramatically improved her overall well-being.

Who is Kassie Grecula?
Kassie Grecula (@crunchykass), is an advocate for low-tox living and holistic health. She shares her journey toward wellness with her rapidly growing online audience, focusing on reducing exposure to environmental toxins. She uses her platform to inspire others by showcasing her balanced lifestyle and the products she trusts, promoting healthy living practices for her family and followers.
Episode Overview on EMFs and Healing
A vibrant lifestyle content creator, Kassie is passionate about wellness. She experienced first-hand what low-tox living could do for her body. It wasn’t an overnight transition; it took time, research, and a strong desire to protect her family from harmful environmental toxins.
From Mold Exposure to Wellness Advocate
Kassie opens up about a pivotal moment in her wellness journey - the discovery that mold exposure was wreaking havoc on her health. Mold is sneaky, and can significantly impact a person’s health. Kassie experienced its effects firsthand, suffering from unexplainable infections and skin troubles. When she realized the often-misunderstood link between mold and EMF , she knew it was time to make some changes.
EMF Awareness and Aires Tech
EMFs, which come from everyday devices like our phones and Wi-Fi routers, pose an invisible threat on their old. When mold is involved, the threat increases exponentially. Mold, seeing EMF as a threat, rapidly triggers growth. When Kassie began to understand how her EMF exposure was further complicating her health, she took action.
It can be overwhelming to learn about EMFs and the toxins in our daily environment, but Kassie emphasizes the importance of gradual, manageable change. She shares how incorporating Aires Tech products into her life, specifically the Zone Max that covers a wide range, made a huge difference in how she and her family felt.
Transitioning to a Wellness-Focused Lifestyle
Kassie’s journey as a content creator didn’t start with wellness, but becoming a mother shifted her priorities and wellness took center stage. She reflects how motherhood changed her perspective, making her more conscious of what she was exposing herself and her family to.
As she has moved deeper into the wellness space, Kassie has educated her audience about the importance of protecting our families from invisible environmental dangers. She often describes her “80/20” lifestyle, reminding everyone that it’s about balance and making small, manageable changes to reach your wellness goals.
Protecting Your Home with Aires Tech: A Giveway
Kassie announces an exciting giveaway in partnership with Aires Tech. One lucky listener will receive her favorite device - the Zone Max! This powerful tool is designed to mitigate EMF radiation in your home. It’s been a game-changer for Kassie’s family, bringing peace of mind with knowing that her family is better protected from everyday EMF exposure.
Kassie’s journey is an inspiring reminder that wellness is not a one-size-fits-all path. It’s about listening to your body, understanding the hidden toxins in your environment, and taking small, manageable steps towards a healthier lifestyle.
Tune in to hear more from Kassie, and check out her guest post on the Wave Forward blog!
Podcast Transcription
Click Here for the Full Podcast Transcription
00:00 - Michaela (Host)
Welcome to the Wave Forward, the podcast that dives deep into how technology shapes our health and well-being. From digital wellness to tech innovation, to the effects of electromagnetic fields, we cover the environmental, social and physical implications of technology. Ready to navigate the digital landscape with confidence, set your dial to discovery and tune in. You're listening to the Wave Forward, Kassie Grecula. Thank you so much for joining the podcast.
00:30 - Kassie (Guest)
Yeah, thank you for having me.
00:32 - Michaela (Host)
So we were talking about this before we started recording, but I had a video had popped up of you. I think it was just like a little clip in this kind of more extensive video of you. Tell it, was it your niece or your daughter? Who was that? That you were telling my little sister, your little sister, okay, and you're telling your little sister to get the AirPods out of your ear, and I just thought the video was so cute and so I had reached out about doing the podcast and it turns out that you had already been using the same products that I use, which is Aries tech.
So I was like, oh cool, let's come on here and like tell the full story, because I love getting people's insight into how they came into realizing that EMF was a problem, because it is so taboo, it's so tinfoil hat, it's so like this thing that we just out of sight, out of mind, we're just ignoring it as it's literally being deployed all around us, and then there comes a time where it's like you peek behind the curtain and like, all of a sudden you realize it's a problem. So I love hearing the full story of how people get to that place. So let's just start from the beginning of like where did your health journey really begin?
01:33 - Kassie (Guest)
Yeah, definitely, I feel like it's everywhere now, but I am one of the people that have been dealing with mold toxicity. So I had lived in a house for four years in Connecticut. I didn't know at the time that it was just completely riddled with mold. But looking back and what? As I started kind of like following the breadcrumbs to mold toxicity as a problem, it was like completely obvious that that house had had so much mold. There was water leaks in the basement, always flooded.
At one point I was living on the first floor of a house and the girl on the second floor something happened with her shower, her bathtub, but like it was raining in my kitchen.
Oh my gosh, the ceiling was just like dripping. I had to do a ton of cleanup and ever since then, especially like it just never felt the same in there. Um, but I had met my boyfriend, Kip, around the same time that all my symptoms appeared. I just like I had known him for maybe two weeks and then suddenly my skin just completely got buried under like fungal acne, cystic acne everywhere. I'm like what is going on? And so I really stayed in the dark about what was happening while I lived in that house. We were trying, you know, we actually went vegan while we lived there, which is completely not not my diet now, but it made it considerably worse. Um, those were some of the worst pictures I have of my skin. I was eating, you know, like a ton of fruit, all the bad stuff, all like the beyond burgers that we thought were so healthy, totally, oh yeah.
03:12 - Michaela (Host)
Soymilk in the coffee.
03:15 - Kassie (Guest)
It lasted only like maybe a month or two before we went completely opposite - carnivore and I actually noticed a little bit of relief but like nowhere near healing. And so that's kind of when we started red light therapy you know, I was trying all of the topical new creams that I would read about and the red light therapy I was like this is going to like save me, basically. So I kept searching for that one thing that would just clear my skin back up to what I knew it used to be like. So fast forward, we move out of that house and move to Miami - it's where my boyfriend actually is from, so everything was opening back up for COVID and he's been in the hospitality industry his whole career, so it kind of made sense for him to kind of jump back into a job. He, you know, has a network down there. I wanted a change. I'm born and raised in Connecticut.
So, we moved to Miami in an apartment building downtown and I noticed a little bit of relief. I know I told you in my blog I had an OBGYN in Connecticut who I met and I'm like you know I had a mask on cause it was COVID and I'm like pulling down my mask. I'm like I hated masks but part of me loved hiding my face behind it. It was just like a really weird time of my life where I just felt like I needed to hide from the world and so I pulled my mask down and I was like can you please like do? I was having chronic yeast infections at the time and I'm like are these related? Like I have no idea what's going on with my skin, and she's like no, no, like totally different. You know microbiome, you know what's going on. And so I was like okay, I, I had a gut feeling. I'm like I don't believe that they have to have some correlation. My skin just went haywire. At the same time, I started getting chronic yeast infection. So she prescribed me 30 diflucan, which is an antifungal, and so I just completely stayed closed off to the connection that those two had and hadn't even thought of my gut health at that point.
So I'm in Miami with a bottle full of pills, basically, and I think the stress of the move triggered it again, and so my face kind of you know, really flared up. I took some antifungals and I'm like, okay, that almost cleared it up. Like day by day it was kind of getting clearer and I'm like, oh my God, this is this, is it? I'm like healed. Sure enough, like a couple days would go by and I maybe had two full days of like clear skin and then it would come back. So I was just so frustrated at this point, just like my mind is getting the best of me now because the thing, the thoughts I'm feeding myself, the person I'm becoming, is just so far from what I knew. I'm beating myself up over this. I'm so frustrated.
And so at the same time, my friend had kind of been pushing mold toxicity posts my way and kind of helping me understand that this is a candida and mold issue going on. So that kind of started opening my eyes a lot. And then, but we were still in Miami, so we were still sleeping next to our wifi router. Basically it was in our bedroom closet, no, being in an apartment complex in general. No matter how much you try to protect yourself, your neighbors are still - you know, you're getting the exposure in the city also. So I hadn't really known what was going on too much at that point, but it was starting to come together and started. My eyes were starting to open a little more.
And then we had Kip and I were you know, we knew who Joe Dispenza was. We really wanted to go to one of his week-long retreats and so it worked out where January of 2022, we ended up going to Marco Island for a week-long advanced retreat and it was incredible. It really kind of educated us more on the quantum field, the power of frequency and how energy works and all of that. So that had really opened my eyes also to the thoughts I was feeding myself and the way I was beating myself up and telling me. You know I was telling myself how ugly I was and how everybody's looking at my skin and you know that I wasn't worthy and all of this. And after that week long, I started really changing the way I talk to myself and some revelations happened, and you know it was really a cool part of the journey, still completely unaware of all of the EMFs and frequencies, um that we were getting bombarded with.
But, lo and behold, probably a month or two when we were home from that retreat, Kip got some Aires Tech ads to his phone and he is really good at going down the rabbit hole and he's the one that brings a lot of conversations to the table like and educates me and opens my eyes.
We have a really good like partnership in that sense where he will bring like all this education on supplements and like home products and I'll I'll be like nowadays I'm like bringing the shampoo and conditioner, the baby products, like. We have a good partnership in that sense. Like we work. So I trust him and I leave it to him kind of. So he had been served this ad. He's like this guy who's on this ad looks really familiar and, lo and behold, it's Dr Dugriss who had been on the stage at Joe Dispenza. So he was one of the scientists on stage kind of you know, educating us at the retreat about like the brain waves and all of that. So having that connection was cool. Immediately it kind of built trust where, like we just saw this guy on stage at Joe Dispenza- that's so cool that he was at Joe Dispenza.
Yeah, I know it was really wild. So we had trust for this product right away and we had been talking at that time about, like, the importance of EMFs. It was kind of just beginning to be something we were opening our eyes to. So, yeah, he got served the ad and then probably waited a week or so. He's like I really want to get this product. So he got the Lifetune One and it's a sticker so I have it on the back of my phone case. But he really loves necklaces. So he just stuck it onto the back of a Shungite necklace and just put it under his shirt every day. And so I am naturally skeptical. I just let him lead. So I'm like, okay. So then he's like, a couple of weeks go by, he's like really encouraging me to buy it. I'm like okay, okay, I will, I will.
And then we have this the moving out of Miami.
So Miami itself was like awesome for the year that we were there, but we were ready to move out. Um, after a year we broke our lease a year early and moved back up north and that's about the time I was like, okay, this needs to be something that I own because we had downsized our living arrangements and so I was working in the same room that we were sleeping, and so I'm like I don't feel comfortable having my laptop in this room and my monitor and my phone you know everything, yeah. So let me look into this Aires Tech again. And so I got the Lifetune one and my phone. You know everything. So let me look into this Aries tech again. And so I got the Lifetune one for my phone case and I got the Zone Max, the biggest one. I just felt like that would really protect the room that we were in, according to, like the square footage. I was like, okay, cool, we'll be protected with this, and I just feel comfortable having the biggest one.
10:55 - Michaela (Host)
Yeah, quick break in the episode, you guys, because I got to tell you about the amazing sponsor, Aires Tech.
Aries Tech creates cream of the crop, top of the line EMF protection devices that do not interfere with your signal, but all of their technology is actually backed by peer reviewed, patent and published research that has been going on for almost 20 years.
They were originally funded a couple decades ago by the military to create a medical device that would help protect men and women who are working on radio signal towers without interfering with the signal, and have since become a consumer product as we have become more of a technological world. They're also used by professional athletes like Tiki Barber from the NFL Giants and Macy Barber from the UFC for performance optimization tools. You can go to their website,, and check out some really amazing studies where they've done some EEGs to show how these devices are affecting your baseline brain activity. It's really, really cool. I personally have one on me right now near me, because I have my phone, my computer, my camera everything going on all at once in an office building where everyone has their own wifi, so I don't mess around. Check them out, aries techcom. Use code in tune I N tune T U N E 30 for 30% off your entire order.
12:04 - Kassie (Guest)
So it had. It had been Velcro to the wall for a while and I have a picture of it. Like it was so cute. I remember I was like I need a picture of this cause it's so pretty, it's such a pretty device, and then I was just like, yeah, I need to take this everywhere. So I just started slipping it in my bag and it didn't live too long on the wall.
12:26 - Michaela (Host)
So did you ever um like? Did you ever go down the rabbit hole of like learning how EMS affect mold growth?
12:35 - Kassie (Guest)
Yes, that came after the fact, actually, like I hadn't realized it right away, but then once I started I started seeing that like probably months to a year after I had the device.
12:47 - Michaela (Host)
Oh, that's crazy, yeah, with like fungal infections and stuff too, like really makes you think, cause I went through something similar when I was living in Australia and I was vegan at the time and was going through chronic, chronic infections like sinus infection, yeast infection. There's just so much going on and I couldn't figure out what was like, what was happening, and the same thing happened. They gave me um like antifungals. They made them worse. I did not get better from them at all. I got a lot worse, but I never really thought about the EMF aspect of it and how I would always like especially living when I was in Australia.
I would live in these small places, you know, that were just like wifi's plugged in right in the room.
And it wasn't until I had my son that I really started paying attention to it, because he ended up having something called jejunal artresia and I was like wait a second, like I did everything correct, all organic, you know like I did all the things, what the heck's going on, and the only information we got from our surgeon was um, oh well, it happens within the first couple of weeks of gestation and it's just like that's all we got. Like he was like it just happens. Sometimes in the first couple of weeks of gestation I was like this is so interesting. And I thought back to like where I was living when I was first pregnant with him, and we lived in like a 200 square foot, um, like little cabin, but our wifi was plugged into our bedroom and we were sleeping there every night and like living our day up there every day. And I was like after that it was like I'll never be able to prove that that's what happened. You know, we'll always, that'll always be up in the air.
People can always debate me on it or whatever. But that was definitely the moment where I was like I'm going to start paying attention to this, yeah, and then it was like a constant thing with my husband. Did you unplug the wifi?
14:37 - Kassie (Guest)
Yeah, I have a very similar story. So when we moved out of Miami, I kind of like bundle this where we moved, cause it's a little confusing, but Kip had a hospitality gig in the Hamptons- Okay, that's where I'm from, my family's from Long Island.
Yeah, yeah. So they had a room for him for a short, like three months. So I moved back in with family for three months and then, when that gig was over, the hospitality group he was a part of there's just a different restaurant he goes to, so he ended up living together. So, while I was in Connecticut with my family, that's when I got the Aires Tech. And then when I joined him in South Hampton, I still had the Aires Tech, but our wifi was also under the bed. Underneath the bed, oh my gosh, it was also a 500 square foot box.
So that's when I was really like I am so glad I have this device, but like I'm also going to rip the switch it off, and that's the first time we started switching it off. And then I was like that's when I started going back in my journey and realizing, like Miami, we were being absolutely bombarded. My first house in Connecticut, my wifi was like right where I spent the most time. And it made sense because when I was in mold and exposed to EMF, my symptoms were haywire like absolutely awful. And then, when I wasn't exposed to mold but still being bombarded by EMF, I saw some relief, but not quite.
And it wasn't until I was not only out of the mold but protecting myself from EMF and unplugging the wifi. That, like my health, just propelled forward and I actually saw some meaningful change. So it's cool looking back, because I didn't piece those together while I look back in hindsight and they are so closely correlated it's crazy, it is so wild.
16:31 - Michaela (Host)
Almost every interview I've done like it's come down and it almost sounds like it makes us all sound crazy because. But then it's cool, because it's like, okay, I've had all these people tell their story of like it's like either they had Lyme disease and then they got mold toxicity and then they got super hypersensitive to EMF, or they had mold toxicity then they, then they had food sensitivities and then they get super sensitive to EMF. And it's like it all sounds so, like you know, it's like all sounds too similar and it sounds crazy and all the things. And then you talk to someone like Dr. Jill Carnahan, I don't know if you know who she is, but she is like you should look her up. She's amazing and I was so grateful to have her on the podcast, but she's a functional medicine doctor and she's a mold and environmental toxin expert and she was explaining that like the first thing that I like.
I know that if someone comes in and they say you know, I can feel my phone when I'm getting it close to my head, or like I feel, like I can feel the wifi when I walk into a room. She's like I know immediately that their toxic load, like their bucket, is overflowing, like if they are sensitive to EMF and it's not. That doesn't mean that EMF is not impacting us on the day to day and impacting ourselves every day. There's so many studies showing that. But, like, usually if someone is actually feeling it, like they're feeling those frequencies, then it means that their bucket is just overflowing and that they have just like absolute toxic overload with mold, with environment, like whatever it is in their environment. Usually the first thing she kind of goes to is mold, because it's just such a common thing. It's so common. It's like what is it? 70% of houses or something will experience mold toxicity.
18:15 - Kassie (Guest)
I know it's crazy how it was. Never I was always asleep to it and then all of a sudden, I feel like everybody's being affected by it, right, well, and that makes so much sense.
18:29 - Michaela (Host)
So Dr Jill came on and explained the impact mold is having on, or the impact EMF has on mold.
So she's like, okay, well, we know that it grows like 600 times faster, like by 600%, when it's in the presence of mold or of EMF. And then a mold expert came in who's been like an inspector and remediator for like 10 years and she said that she has seen such an increase of mold in people's homes. You know, even in the home that I lived in as a kid we had like leaking issues and different stuff, but we never had mold issues and we never had, you know, like it was like maybe little bits, but now it's like you go into people's homes and you're like, oh my gosh, it's like a problem, it's a really big problem. And so she now does which I think is so cool she does EMF remediation at the same time that she does mold remediation, because she truly believes that the reason it's become such a thing and that it's exacerbated so much is because we're literally bombarded by EMFs, which is causing this mold to grow by 600 times.
19:30 - Kassie (Guest)
It's crazy, it's so crazy.
19:34 - Michaela (Host)
When they made that connection, I was like, oh my gosh, I've never thought about that, because mold is such a thing. Right now it's almost like eye roll. Everybody has mold, you know toxicity, but it's so true. I mean, we had the same thing in our previous home. Uh, we all like, and it was like one of those things where you just kind of have to like your intuition kind of kicks in on it, where it was like this is for sure. What's going on? Like it doesn't make sense with the way that we eat, with our environment, with, like how we take care of ourselves. It doesn't make sense that my kids are getting sick like every week.
20:03 - Kassie (Guest)
Yeah, and especially it could be so taboo and like the eye roll because everybody's symptoms are a little different, right? One person with mold will have severe brain fog and fatigue, whereas my symptoms are, I think, just skin manifesting a skin issues, right. So it's just crazy like the spectrum of symptoms that it can give.
20:24 - Michaela (Host)
So did you not really know about EMF until Aires Tech came into your world? Is that kind of when you started paying attention?
20:31 - Kassie (Guest)
It was around the same time that we had kind of been exposed to some of the information about it, like maybe a month before Aires.
20:40 - Michaela (Host)
Yeah, so it was very simple, yeah.
20:42 - Kassie (Guest)
The timelines match up pretty well.
20:44 - Michaela (Host)
That's cool.
20:45 - Kassie (Guest)
That's kind of what just pushed us towards really researching it more.
20:51 - Michaela (Host)
Especially in apartments. Guys, if you're listening to this, like one of my good friends, I went over to visit her in Colorado and I walked outside our house and I was like oh my gosh, she has every single apartment complex is smart meter on the outside of her wall and her bedroom. I was like you have got to move bedrooms. You have to like completely rearrange your whole house. Because that is scary to have. Like people don't realize that I posted about that a while ago and so many people commented with like oh my gosh, I had no idea that I am one of those, those apartments that has every single smart meter for the entire complex on the wall, which those are all feeding into. It's almost like a cell phone going all the time. It's feeding back information to the facilities every day, multiple times a day. So, anyway, that's super crazy. So when did you start seeing? Like, when did everything start changing for you? When was that that you started having all of the shifts? Because obviously you look amazing, so you're not experiencing that anymore.
21:55 - Kassie (Guest)
I'm still dealing with it at a very like you know. It's still kind of lingering. I actually finally started working with a practitioner on it. But everything started going the other direction really when we were in that South Hampton home and I had the you know device and we were turning the wifi off.
22:10 - Michaela (Host)
That's amazing.
22:12 - Kassie (Guest)
I remember finally having clear skin and I'm just like high on life. I'm like this is what I've been like praying about for so long really happening. And then you know we had left Miami and both stopped drinking, just like a life choice. We finally opened our eyes to it. Not that it was like a serious problem, but we lived in Miami. It was definitely something that was in our life, yeah, so we stopped drinking. And then so, in South Hampton, we got pregnant unexpectedly and we just felt like our health was really at a peak there. Um, back in nature, you know, grounding every day, going outside, stepping on the grass, um, it was a huge combination of everything that we were doing. But I feel, truly feel, like the Aires tech and protecting ourselves against EMF and unplugging the wifi was just such like the missing link for us.
23:00 - Michaela (Host)
I love that so much. I love hearing these stories. That's what, like it's so funny that, like I was so skeptical of air. I think everybody should be skeptical of everything at this point honestly, especially with, like, how you can just pay people to do third-party studies and, you know, get the results that you want. I mean, I think everybody's eyes are kind of open to the fact that we really do. It sounds another thing, that sounds taboo, it sounds silly, but like, do your own research. You really do have to do your own research and you have to know how to do research. Well, and that's one thing that we've kind of had. We've had some researchers come on here like, Dr. Kent, who's the president of the Environmental Health Trust, and really break down how to like look at a research paper. You know what I mean, because I'm like, okay, we say, do your own research, but we're not talking about, like, Instagram research. You know we're not, don't take everything at, you know at face value. But yeah, just like learning how to really digest everything.
I feel like I went through a period of time with Aires where I was just so skeptical. I had the CEO on my old podcast to talk about like you know, know, where did this product come from? Because that was one thing that I think really helped me um, just like invite it in, like to really invite it in as a solution for our family, because learning the history of it of like okay, this wasn't something where, like someone woke up and was, like okay, I see that everyone is afraid of EMFs right now, so like I'm gonna launch a sticker and like problem solve this and have a bunch of like third party tests that I paid for to like sell this product. It was like okay, no, the guy who created this product he actually was an engineer for the military and he was his family created medical devices for the military and he was hired by the military to create a medical device that would protect, um like soldiers who are on, basically like those um those like portable radio signal towers, because they were reporting a lot of side effects. So his like whole mission was to create a product that would still like, that would support their body's ability to contend with all of the the frequencies but also not interfere with the signals, because obviously they need to be able to communicate. So that started decades ago and then, like, fast forward, his son Dimitri starts seeing all the iPhones be deployed and you know all of this stuff is happening, and he's like wait a second, like we already have a solution for this. And then they created a consumer product.
And so I really liked that about the product, about the fact that it started with research and it didn't start with an idea about creating a product for consumers. You know what I mean. Like it's like no, this is a funded situation where it's like we want you to go seek out a solution for this thing. It's not like okay, I can see, I see that I can make a lot of money here. Yeah, because you see that everywhere and we get I think Aires gets kind of looped in a lot to those products. And I totally had the same feeling about it when I first started kind of diving in of just like all of the products you see on Amazon that you can the stickers and the bracelets and all the things.
And then when you really start seeing like okay, this is like there's third party published or there's peer reviewed published research. There's, you know, doctors like Dr. Dogers who are coming in from the outside and like they're personally surprised by the results. You know like I'm like okay, I love Dr. Dogers. I really hope we can have them on the podcast. Shout out to Dr. Dogers, come on the podcast. Because I think it's just really fun to hear from neurologists on there.
Like see, that was the other thing was like when he had done that. That demonstration, because even though there were studies showing the impact on EEG, I feel like the demonstration was like okay, I can see it. Now I understand that this is like impacting us in a different way. You're not gonna be able to measure it with an EMF reader. It's actually like boosting your body's natural ability to contend with these EMFs, which is really what we need, because I don't think this is going away, so we can't walk around in a Faraday bubble all day.
26:56 - Kassie (Guest)
Yeah, and that backstory is really what helped us trust this product even more too, because we were seeing all the stickers and all the like wearables and those might have a time and place, but we really we, we liked that this, this backstory being the military, you know, starting there, and then consumer side, that was huge. That was definitely, like, definitely important, especially because, like everybody's like, okay, well, it might be the placebo effect, like live in your bubble. I'm like you know what, even if it is it, it did allow my body to feel like this place of safety.
I can just not have this one more thing to worry about. And I think at the time, like it made sense to me, like even the Joe Dispensa week, we learned a lot about signals. They're either coherent signals or they're incoherent.
27:52 - Michaela (Host)
Oh, there we go. You got introduced to all that.
27:52 - Kassie (Guest)
Yeah, All of that. So at the same time it's all coming together that these frequencies are causing some incoherence in the body. And if your body's constantly receiving those signals, how can it, like the body is designed to heal? And that's one thing I constantly told myself. But I had to help it get to that place, Cause you know these EMFs are part of the problem of right, Feel safe and feel like it can finally balance and find coherence.
28:22 - Michaela (Host)
Yeah, Chaos, so getting out of that getting out of that mold was definitely step one, because that was the other thing I learned from Dr. Jill was, like you cannot heal if you're still in it. You can like keep the, you can try to keep the bucket from overflowing and just keep it at bay and keep it at bay. But you're not going to be able to decrease that toxic load until you get out of the environment, which is really hard for people to do. So that's really tricky. She's like you can keep it at bay and like and she'll recommend that like if you can't get out right now and you're trying to find a place, whatever, like do all the things to keep it at bay, make sure you're mitigating that EMF, make sure you're, you know, giving the body what it can to contend with the mold. But getting out of that, I feel like, is always step one.
29:10 - Kassie (Guest)
And then you're giving the body resources to heal after that. You know, yeah, and I've had friends who I've been carrying this around and they're like, oh cool, so are we protected? Like wherever we go with you, and I'm like, yeah for sure. And then some friends have been like, oh, it's just another thing, like I just don't have the capacity for it right now. My answer is like that's cool, I get it. We're living in, like there's so much information at your fingertips, like it's the food, it's the you know all of these products that are being sold your way, and so I get that. It's one more thing to worry about, and some people just prefer not to worry about it, but I feel like it's just a really important step to get to once you're there and just knowing that just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean it's not affecting you.
29:50 - Michaela (Host)
Yeah, oh my gosh, I know. Just the importance of EMF just keeps trickling into my life. Like I never thought I would be hosting a podcast about EMF, Like that was not on the agenda, I had other agendas, you know what I mean. But it was like as I started, especially with the podcast, like really learning because you know, I have my own intuitions, but like intuition only gets you so far.
Whenever you're trying to explain something to somebody, they're like oh yeah, so you like, you know you just feel like whatever. And also like, even if we do do our own research, I'm not a scientist, I'm not a researcher, so that even if I do my own research or I, you know my husband, we're a really great team on that Cause, he's an environmental scientist, so he will walk through research with me and I make my decision. I still am not good at explaining it. So like I'll, I'll look at something and be like okay, no, I, I'm I'm really sure that this is working for me and I'm going to continue, but it's hard for me to explain. So the podcast, like getting people like you coming and telling your story of like this is where this is my kind of trajectory of like how I came to realize it, and then also getting the other side of like all of the researchers and the medical professionals who are like very legitimate and who can like explain it very well, and who have this background and research, to be able to just lay it all out and it's like okay, the fact, and then it just solidifies more and more like the fact that we are not like that, this isn't like mainstream, that we're not having a little bit more of a fit about the fact that this is just being deployed all around us right now, while we're just kind of part of this like experiment, you know totally I know that's when all the conspiracy theories.
I'm like I know I call it an experiment, but I'm like you know it really is. I mean, we're gonna see how this impacts us over the next couple decades of, you know, having the deployment. It's not, it's not really conspiracy when you look at the fact that there's not a whole lot of research about 5g. There's a ton of research about 4g, 3g, 2g so much research about, like, the original phones and how they can cause tumors in the brain and all the stuff that that is there, but we don't have enough research about 5g. Okay, but can we make some assumptions based on every, all these other bandwidths that are millions of times less, or millions of times like shorter waves, less, less fast?
I don't know how you say that, but then what is now like when you go from 2g to 3g to 4g to 5g? It's not just like a 20% increase in frequency. You're going from megahertz to gigahertz and then you're going from like 900 megahertz to 300 gigahertz, which is millions of times faster than the old phone. So that's an important note, guys. That's crazy, yeah, okay, so I see you are blowing up on the socials right now. What happened there?
32:45 - Kassie (Guest)
Honestly, I just, I like being a creator on Instagram. Before I got pregnant, I was roller skating and I had my own little corner of the internet doing that. That's so fun. And, yeah, postpartum, I really thought I'd get back into it and I'm, like you know, struggling to find the time to really step away from myself in that regard. So I'm like, let me just share my lifestyle, like this is something that it's who I am and I don't have to overthink it or, you know, it's not just a niche, like one niche of roller skating. Let me just show you know how I'm doing things in this regard and everything, share the products that I truly love and use. So I just started creating from, like, a lifestyle point of view and, yeah, I think the recent reel with my little sister blew up.
33:33 - Michaela (Host)
Every day I go check on your page because I've been like kind of stalking you in order to prep for the podcast and so we just got to do that. But every time I go to your page I'm like what the hell? I've been pretty sure she has 2000 followers since yesterday.
33:46 - Kassie (Guest)
Yeah, no, it's funny, it's. It's definitely that reel. And then I did a little like challenge with my boyfriend If I hit a certain amount of followers, um, in 30 days he would buy our family goats. And I totally missed that mark. It was fun. I was able to put myself out there. It was very humbling. Every day I want to quit this. And my boyfriend was actually my biggest hype man. He's like no, you got this. Like it's not about getting the followers, it's not about getting the goats, it's about finishing something that you start. I'm like all right, all right, I'll keep doing it. It's super humbling right now. But, um, so yeah, I just I got a little momentum that way and my plan for the future is just to keep sharing our lifestyle. We're moving from Arizona back to Connecticut just next week, so we hope to kind of manifest the goats that the whole goat challenge. Hopefully that'll be.
34:36 - Michaela (Host)
Where are you in Arizona?
34:38 - Kassie (Guest)
We're in Scottsdale.
34:39 - Michaela (Host)
Okay, where is that in relation to like Phoenix?
34:42 - Kassie (Guest)
It's like 15, 20 minutes from Phoenix.
34:44 - Michaela (Host)
Oh my gosh, I'm going to be there tomorrow. I'm meeting with some of the Aires Tech team and we're making like it's actually the first time some of the team members are coming together, um, and we're making some footage and stuff, and doing a episode with Macy Barber, the UFC fighter. She's going to do it on the podcast, but yeah, okay, so we're doing a giveaway together, right? So if you're listening to this episode, you got to go to cassie's page.
@crunchyKass. She’s going to tell you what to do on that post to enter to win a Zone Max, yeah, which is our biggest device, Aires’ biggest device, which is awesome, um, very pricey item. So it's a great option or a great uh chance to to win one of those, because that's all we always try to do as many giveaways and discounts and all the things as we possibly can to make sure that people have access to the devices, because that's one of our biggest things is, I see now, having being part of the team is like, okay, people want to lower prices, so we got to just do more for them, as much as we can to get options for them to or opportunities for them to get the product.
36:06 - Michaela (Host)
I love that you are just like sharing your whole life, because it's a lot of pressure to like hone in on one thing and then you have. You know, like every day you feel like you have to post that one thing.
36:15 - Kassie (Guest)
Yeah, I'm still like I'd say in the corner of you know, low-tox living and motherhood, and then just stories just all about my life and Kip and I, and just I don't like to corner, put myself in a corner, you know too far into a niche, so yeah, it's just my lifestyle.
36:35 - Michaela (Host)
I love that. I've tried doing that many times in my personal and then end up just being like, nah, all right, we're just going to keep it. Keep it a little bit of everything. I just call myself the multi-passionate mama. That way, you know, there's a lot of other things coming. I love it. Thank you so much, Kassie. I so appreciate you being here and maybe we can see each other while I'm in Arizona. I'll message you! Hey guys, thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to like, subscribe and check out the show notes at