Guest post author Kassie

EMF Protection: The Missing Link in My Healing Journey

By Kassie Grecula

EMF Protection and a Battle with Mold Toxicity

For roughly five years, from 2016-2021, I unknowingly lived in a home that was riddled with mold. Water leaks were common in both the basement and the ceiling, and I even saw black mold growing on the living room walls. At this time, I was completely unaware of the threat mold poses and that it would set me on a five-year journey toward reclaiming my health.

While I was living in this Connecticut home, in December of 2019, I began dealing with chronic yeast infections and both fungal and cystic acne. I recall seeking advice from my OBGYN, who insisted that my yeast infections had absolutely nothing to do with my skin issues. She prescribed me 30 antifungal pills and sent me on my way. And while I was still living in the mold-infested home, the antifungal pills did nothing for me.

Needless to say, I remained in the dark about what was happening and was completely lost on where to even start. Topical treatments for my skin weren’t working, and the yeast infections remained rampant for 10 straight months.

Couple sitting outside

My First Step Towards Healing: Moving Out of the Mold

In June of 2021, my boyfriend Kip and I decided to move to Miami. Covid restrictions were just loosening up and we were in need of a change. I still had a nearly full bottle of antifungal pills, which I started taking more regularly during the move.

To my surprise, my skin would clear up a few days after taking one antifungal. But without fail, days later, the acne would slowly start creeping back. At this point, I knew I was dealing with candida, but still didn’t realize the root cause was mold. So I only addressed the candida. And after a few months of living in Miami, my skin was better, but still really bad. I could tell, though, that the worst was behind me. As the months passed, my eyes slowly began opening to mold toxicity and candida, and how they are heavily interrelated. But I hadn’t known to seek out the help of a functional practitioner, so I was doing everything alone. It was a slow process.

Our Introduction to Aires Tech

In January of 2022, Kip and I attended Joe Dispenza’s week-long advanced retreat in Marco Island, Florida. We learned so much during that time. It was a pivotal moment in our healing journeys and really opened our eyes to the power of the quantum field and how frequency and energy works. For the first time since my symptoms appeared, I felt hopeful.

The months following the retreat, Kip got served an Aires Tech ad on his phone. At this time, we hadn’t really explored EMF protection but we were definitely intrigued and had been starting to educate ourselves on the impact they have on our health. Especially with all of the 5G towers that had suddenly appeared.

So naturally, Kip went down the rabbit hole for us. He’s a great leader in our relationship especially when it comes to the supplements we take and some of the products we bring into our home. I attribute so much of our holistic lifestyle to his research and influence!

As he was on the Aires Tech website, he saw a picture of Dr. Nicholas Dogris and thought he looked so familiar. Lo and behold, he made the connection that Dr. Dogris was on stage at the Joe Dispenza week-long retreat we were at just months prior. This immediately piqued our interest in investing in Aires Tech. Kip was first to buy the Lifetune One and stuck it onto a shungite necklace that he wears around his neck.

Couple standing outdoors

My Aires Tech Experience

At this point, I hadn’t yet purchased anything. It wasn’t until months later, after we moved out of Miami, that I decided to purchase the Lifetune Zone Max. I was working remotely and we had just downsized our living space, so my desk was unfortunately in the same room as our bed. And as things started clicking for me more about the true importance of EMF protection, this became a non-negotiable purchase for me. I started off with it on my desk, but then I began slipping it into my bag wherever I went. I wouldn’t travel anywhere without it.

I also encouraged my whole family to watch the video on the Aires Tech homepage, which shows the brain scan comparison with and without the Aires Tech devices. I wanted them to understand the impact their phones and devices are having on them (especially my Gen Z siblings who are glued to TikTok and video games), and I even bought them all the Lifetune One. They still have them on their phone cases to this day!

Around this same time, I noticed my skin was healing more. It still wasn’t fully clear, but there was definitely a noticeable improvement. I also attribute that period of healing to getting out of Miami (Kip and I both stopped drinking at this point) and back into the nature of Connecticut (in a mold-free home, of course). I was grounding every day, moving my body, eating a nutrient-dense diet, meditating, taking binders, and working on limiting beliefs around my own worthiness of healing.

Then, only a few months later, in October of 2022, my skin almost completely cleared up, and I got pregnant the following month. It was incredible. I just felt so elevated all-around.

How We Continue Protecting Ourselves Against EMFs

By the end of the year, we had another opportunity to move, and ended up trekking across the country in January of 2023 to Arizona, where we currently reside. Although we are making our way back to Connecticut in just a few short weeks - we hope this is the last move for a while!

We continue using our Aires Tech devices, use only wired headphones, and even live in a house that has a “WiFi kill switch” that we switch off every night before bed. We also set our phones to airplane mode and sleep with them away from the bed. There have been a handful of

times we’ve forgotten to shut the WiFi off, and we both noticeably get worse sleep.

Integrating Aires Tech into our lives marked a pivotal shift in our approach to health. It felt like a missing piece of the puzzle. We were doing all of the things right—we were eating well, moving our bodies, meditating, grounding, getting sunlight, filtering our air and water, etc.—but it wasn’t until we addressed EMFs that my health propelled forward.

Fast forward to today, and I’m still taking the Lifetune Zone Max everywhere I go. I also have a Lifetune One stuck onto my phone case for added protection.

Woman holding EMF protection device

The Role of EMF Protection in Comprehensive Healing

At this point, it finally made sense to me. As energetic beings, of course these non-native electromagnetic frequencies were negatively impacting our bodies. By incorporating harmonizing devices such as Aires Tech, it gave our bodies relief from all of the incoherent signals around us. It also brought such peace of mind into our lives.Additionally, I had learned that EMFs can exacerbate the effects of mold toxicity, making it even more difficult to achieve complete healing. Mold produces mycotoxins that can compromise the immune system, making the body more susceptible to other stressors. When combined with EMFs, which are known to disrupt cellular function and weaken the body’s defense mechanisms, the impact of mold toxicity is significantly amplified. This interaction can lead to a persistent cycle of symptoms and health issues, as EMFs aggravate the already-compromised state caused by mold exposure. Without addressing both factors—mold contamination and EMF exposure—it becomes challenging to find true healing, as the root causes of the symptoms remain unaddressed.

I found partial relief only after moving out of a mold-infested environment, but true recovery came when I also integrated EMF protection into my lifestyle. This comprehensive approach allowed my body to finally heal and thrive, highlighting how interconnected environmental factors can influence overall well-being. By combining a healthy lifestyle with EMF protection, I was able to achieve a significant breakthrough in my health journey.


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