Forbes Announces Partnership Between Aires Tech and RJ Barrett

Forbes Announces Partnership Between Aires Tech and RJ Barrett

Athletes across the globe are turning to Aires Tech for EMF protection to amplify their athletic performance and overall well-being. Forbes Magazine just announced the latest partnership between Aires Tech and Canadian professional basketball player RJ Barrett of the Toronto Raptors. With understanding the importance of potential impacts of EMF, Barrett is aiding Aires Tech in spreading the word on prioritizing health and protection from the environmental stressor.

Embracing Innovation in Athletic Performance

Aires Tech has been making significant strides in the world of professional sports. This collaboration follows the recent signing of a multi-year deal with the UFC in June and partnering with Toronto Maple Leafs forward John Tavares. As news spreads about the effects of EMF exposure on our bodies, more and more athletes are looking to shield themselves from this harmful radiation in order to reach their highest potential. Aires Tech is committed to helping maximize these athletes’ performance and well-being through effective EMF protection. In doing so, they also help raise awareness to fans across the globe about the dangers of EMF exposure. Partnering with high-profile athletes helps expand Aires Tech’s reach, giving more people access to life-changing information and technology.

Aries Tech CEO, Josh Bruni, brought this proven, patented technology to the Canadian Olympic team during their training camp in Toronto where RJ Barrett was first introduced to the benefits of EMF protection. This encounter marked the beginning of an exciting partnership aimed at optimizing athletic performance and overall wellness.

RJ Barrett’s Perspective on EMF Protection

Forbes writer, Esfandiar Baraheni, met with RJ Barrett to discuss his excitement about the partnership, his Olympic journey, and his upcoming season with the Raptors. RJ shared, "I’m always looking for ways to improve my game, and I take my recovery seriously. Efficient and effective recovery products allow me to feel my best and perform at my peak. More and more people are becoming aware of the potential impact of EMF radiation from our devices on the human body, so I’m excited to work with the Aires team to spread the word on the importance of it."

RJ emphasized the importance of technology in his training routine, stating,

"Technology is a big part of how we prepare ourselves to get better as players. Our training and studying the game rely on technology. That’s what Aires Tech does—it allows you to make the most of what technology has to offer while improving your recovery and overall well-being."

The Significance of Representing Canada

RJ also shared his feelings about representing Canada on the global stage. "It will be an incredibly special moment for me to hear our national anthem at the Olympics. Wearing the Team Canada jersey on the global stage is a dream come true. That anthem will remind me of all the hard work, the sacrifices, and the journey that brought me to that point. It’s going to be a special moment to share with my teammates, no doubt about it."

When asked about being part of the 'Golden Age' of Canadian Basketball, RJ reflected on his deep connection to the sport in Canada. "My dad played on this team and was part of the silver medal team in ’99, so I know the history. People can call it the 'Golden Age,' but that only comes true if we win a gold medal. It’s amazing to see how much talent is coming out of Canada right now and to be part of that movement means a lot."

Looking Ahead with Optimism

RJ expressed his excitement for the upcoming NBA season with the Raptors, highlighting the potential of the team. "I'm most excited about the potential we have as a team next season. We've got a great mix of young guys who are all committed to working hard and improving. We’re putting in the work every day to build on last season and take it further. I'm pumped to get back out there and play in front of our fans and give it everything we've got. There's a lot to be excited about, and I can't wait to get started."

Let the Games Begin

The partnership between RJ Barrett and Aires Tech is a huge step in raising awareness about the importance of innovative technology in enhancing athletic performance and well-being. As RJ gears up for the 2024 Olympic Games, the integration of EMF protection will play a crucial role in his preparation and recovery, setting a new standard for athletes worldwide.

For more insights and updates on EMF protection, and the latest in professional sports, stay tuned to Aires Tech.

(Cited from the original article on Forbes by Esfandiar Baraheni:  RJ Barrett Wants to Unlock a New Level of His Game in the Olympics )

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