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Meet The Wave Forward

If you're curious about how modern technology impacts our health and well-being, you've come to the right place. The Wave Forward is more than just a blog; it's a movement towards understanding the intricate ways in which technological advancements shape our lives.

Our Focus

At The Wave Forward , we dive deep into the global effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) and tech innovation, guided by reliable research, personal anecdotes, and insights from industry leaders.

Our aim is to uncover how these often invisible forces are integrated into our daily routines, influencing everything from the quality of our sleep to our daily performance.

Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate a tech-driven world confidently. From discussing the broad effects of EMFs to exploring tech innovation, we provide actionable insights and practical tips.

Personal Stories

We are well beyond the days where EMF can easily be brushed off as a "tin-foil hat" topic. There are well over 200 studies indicating that EMF is harmful.

In fact, Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is something that is fully recognized by the WHO as a real condition where people experience a variety of symptoms due to consistent exposure to surrounding EMF.  

When we started inviting people to share their EMF story, we were shocked by the level of impact that EMF was having on peoples' mental and physical health all around the world. Unfortunately, many people who discover EMF come to recognize the issue out of necessity, when all else fails.

Don't wait to start taking action in your own home and environment. Join the community to hear from real-life people, who all discovered the invisible dangers of EMF in unique ways, and how they have learned to combat the effects!  

Industry Experts

People from all the around the world are sounding the alarm on EMF. 

Dr. Kent Chamberlin, President of The Environmental Health Trust, says even though more research would be helpful to determine the best ways to navigate EMF going forward, we actually don't need more studies to know that EMF is impacting our health and the environment in big ways! 

Robert Kennedy Jr., Andrew Huberman, Tim Ferris, and so many more have all raised their concerns about the physical, social, and environmental impacts of technology and all that comes with it (including the implications of higher EMF exposure). 

At The Wave Forward, we are committed to keeping you in the loop on what the experts in the field are saying about EMF and other related topics so that you have the knowledge needed to thrive amongst technology. 

"We don't need any additional studies to know the harms of wireless radiation."

- Dr. Kent Chamberlin

Reliable Research

We often hear the term, "Do your own research," but what does that even mean?

In today's world, many people derive their scientific understandings from 15 second reels and TikTok videos.

With the guidance of actual scientific researchers, you will be well equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to digest scientific research with confidence. 

Here at The Wave Forward, we cover:

Digital Wellness

Discover comprehensive strategies for protecting your family's digital and physical environments, optimizing wireless home and office spaces with minimal EMF exposure, and managing EMF risks while traveling. The focus is on enhancing digital efficiency, security, and overall wellness, whether at home, work, or on the move.

Current Events 

Get updates on the latest EMF-related legislation and public health initiatives, explore the environmental and social impacts of EMF exposure on communities and ecosystems, and stay informed about cutting-edge technological innovations from research labs that are advancing our understanding of EMF and its health implications.

Optimizing Performance & Health

Explore the latest advancements in athlete recovery techniques and tech-driven wellness innovations. Discover how EMF and wearable technology are revolutionizing the landscape of health and fitness. We'll delve into the impact of EMF exposure on mental and physical health, including fertility and immune function, and offer practical tips and biohacking strategies to minimize these effects and optimize your overall well-being.

EMF 101

Gain a fundamental understanding of electromagnetic fields (EMF), including their sources and potential health impacts. This section provides essential knowledge on how EMF interacts with biological systems, outlines common EMF sources in everyday environments, and offers practical advice on reducing exposure. Perfect for beginners looking to build a solid foundation in EMF awareness and safety.


Although we bring you many insights from external research and industry developments, "Inside Aires" offers a unique glimpse into the innovative technologies and methodologies developed by the team at Aires Tech. Discover how our cutting-edge products are designed and tested to mitigate EMF exposure, and get an exclusive look at the science and expertise that drive our mission to enhance digital wellness and protect your health.

The Wave Forward Podcast

Subscribe to The Wave Forward podcast for a deep dive into the complex relationship between technology, health, and human performance. Our episodes feature discussions with experts like Dr. Chamberilin, who provide insights based on decades of research into EMF and policy. Alongside expert analysis, hear personal stories from athletes using the latest tech to optimize performance, and from individuals coping with Electrohypersensitivity.


Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how technology and EMF are shaping our lives and well-being


By bridging the gap between technology and wellness, The Wave Forward aims to be your premier source for all things tech-health. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a health-conscious individual, or someone looking to improve their digital well-being, our blog is designed to help you thrive in an increasingly digital world.