Research on the effectiveness of Aires Shield and Aires Defender
The negative effect of EMR on human health, in particular, that of mobile phones and other household sources was discovered as a result of research into the causes of various diseases suffered by those who constantly use these devices. Specifically, evaluating the condition of health of these people revealed how health depends on the effects of electromagnetic radiation. Stemming this factor, various forms of research into physical fields have emerged, which in turn have discovered several differences in the signals being investigated, which have been interpreted as causing either negative or neutral effects.
The fundamental test unquestionably remains a person’s physiological condition after interacting with electromagnetic radiation of one type or another. The properties of EMR then are indirect parameters and cannot definitely be interpreted as having a negative or positive effect. No matter what research into EMR we conduct or how the research is interpreted, the underlying test was, is, and will be the physiological response of the human body to some electromagnetic wave.
Only adequate testing of the body’s response to a particular type of radiation can demonstrate the true state of affairs – whether or not that radiation affects human health. The tools capable of answering these extremely important questions of our day are well known. First of all, this means research of the neuroendocrinal system using an encephalograph and other similar devices under laboratory conditions.
How it works
Due to its structure and inherent physical effect, the Aires coherent transformer interacts effectively with a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Moreover, the radiation is transformed into a coherent waveform that is a space-time matrix of regularly alternating maxima and minima, capable of counteracting electromagnetic radiation from external sources.
The Aires self-affine diffraction grating is a specially formed fractal circuit of ringed topological lines, which triggers a forward and inverse Fourier transform when under the influence of electromagnetic radiation. The EMR is differentiated and simultaneously restructured, integrating the EMR subforms into a coherent form. Moreover, anomalous peaks in a wide range of frequencies are smoothed. Without losing any information this then generates a short-range field with a self-similar, fractal structure (e.g. a hologram) that can cancel out external electromagnetic fields with destructive interference.
The structural properties of the field around the coherent transformer are harmonized, which forms a special zone that resonates with the surrounding wavefronts, including radiation from the living cells, thus neutralizing the properties of devices and body.
Thus, using the Aires coherent transformer as a protective device not only effectively restructures electromagnetic fields generated by electronic devices, transforming them into a coherent form, it also improves a host of physiological measures of the health of a body subject to man-made electromagnetic radiation, due to the neutralization of one’s own electromagnetic radiation.
Research on protecting against EMR using the Aires Shield
Numerous studies performed on subjects aged 18 to 70 years have proven the effectiveness of this product.
In the first test group, there was investigation of electroencephalographic (EEG) changes in the presence of EMR from a mobile phone and the Aires Shield neutralizer’s ability to dampen these anomalies.
The studies included basically healthy test subjects of both sexes between the ages of 19 and 31. Two experiments were conducted on each subject: under the influence of EMR from a mobile phone and under the influence of EMR from a mobile phone with an Aires Shield applied to its back panel.
No significant changes to the EEG parameters were discovered in standby mode. However, this does not eliminate the possibility of changes appearing during extended exposure to EMR from a mobile phone in this mode. It is known from the literature that the minimal changes in biological parameters under the influence of low-intensity EMR accumulate over an extended period (more than a year), negatively affecting a organism.
The change in the cerebrum’s bioelectric activity in the presence of a mobile phone is so pronounced it could be called a localized electromagnetic storm.
We present the examination results of one of the test subjects below:
Fig. 1. EEG spectral power distribution (mobile phone and Aires Shield located on the left ear):

Figure 1 shows that after a five-minute mobile phone conversation the test subject experienced a disruption of the rhythmic pattern of the baseline EEG and an asymmetric rhythm distribution.
In the area of the mobile phone, the asymmetry of delta activity increased by 37%.
The asymmetry caused by the mobile phone was completely leveled out in the presence of the Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer.
These experiments demonstrate that EMR from a mobile phone causes local changes in the EEG, disrupts the pattern of intercenter links, and leads to a disruption of the central nervous system, which can become the cause of a multitude of diseases of the central nervous system and internal organs.
The coherent transformation of the mobile phone’s EMR in the presence of the Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer prevents negative changes in the EEG from developing.
The EEG experiments confirm that the Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer reliably protects a person from the negative influence of a mobile phones EMR and maintains the regulatory functions of the central nervous system.
In the next test group, subjects were studied to determine the effect of the Aires Shield on the activation and inhibition of the central nervous system when working at a computer.
This experiment included 24 healthy peopled aged 20 to 30 years.
The experiment consisted of two parts.
The main objective of the first part of the study was to assess the long-term effects of working at a computer on the equilibrium of the processes of activation and inhibition in the central nervous system and their functional lability.
The following procedures were used:
- determine the flicker fusion threshold to assess the functional lability of neural processes. To do so, there was an application of:
- a “response to moving object” test to determine the properties of neural equilibrium in the central nervous system.
These values were measured twice – before beginning to work at the computer and after doing so. The time at the computer was 240 minutes.
The main objective of the second part of the study was to assess the long-term effects of working at a computer on the equilibrium of the processes of activation and inhibition in the central nervous system and their functional lability while using the Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer.
The neutralizers were applied to the corners of the computer monitors (4 neutralizers per monitor).
The following statistically significant changes were observed:
- When working at an unprotected computer the number of premature responses increased from 8.83 to 9.83.
- The flicker fusion threshold decreased from 41.3 to 39.8. This indicates a shift in the neural balance in the central nervous system toward a prevalence of activation and a reduction in the functional lability of the visual sensory system and the central nervous system as a whole. These facts imply the formation of beginning stage of fatigue, which progresses during the work.
- When working at a computer with an Aires Shield there was a statistically significant increase in correct responses from 3.83 to 5.08. Additionally, an improvement was noted in the cumulative score in successfully performing the test from 109.9 to 127.5.
This data leads to the conclusion that using Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizers while working at a computer for extended periods prevents a reduction in the visual analyzer’s functional lability and supports an optimal balance between activation and inhibition in the central nervous system during the activity.
In another test group, the Voll method was employed to assess functional activity using a Mini-Expert-DT electroacupuncture diagnostic apparatus.
The initial measurements demonstrated that the test group was on average uniform in terms of the functional activity of organs and body systems, because the total deviation of the electric potential from the norm did not exceed 16+1.3%. The normal range of electric potential values lies between 50-60 standard units.
As Figure 2 illustrates, the activity of the majority of the organs and systems falls in the normal range before the mobile phone conversation.

Figure 3 shows a dramatic reduction in the activity of body systems such as the immune, endocrine, circulatory, and gastrointestinal systems, as a result of a 3-minute mobile phone conversation.
Figure 4 illustrates changes in the activity of organs and body systems after a three-minute phone conversation using the same mobile phone, but protected with an Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer. Not only are the measures restored, the are improved when compared to the baseline measurements.

Figure 5 illustrates the changes in the electric potential of the circulatory systems control points when under the influence of electromagnetic radiation from a mobile phone (second column in the diagram) in comparison with the baseline radiation (first column) and radiation with the Aires Shield (third column).
Note not only the sharp reduction in the electric potential of the circulatory system under the influence of electromagnetic radiation from the mobile phone to the level of developing progressive dystrophic changes in the system, but the obvious effect of the drop in electric potential (indicated in red), which indicates pronounced astenization and a distruption of neuroendocrinal regulation and vegetative balance.
The Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer both fully restores the electric potential and eliminates the progress of astenization, saving resources for the body.
The behavior of the total deviation from the electric potential norm clearly illustrates the affect of a mobile phone’s electromagnetic radiation and the Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer on the activity of organs and body systems. The value is 0 at the norm.

Figure 6 presents the total deviation from the electric potential norm at various stages of the experiment.
It can be seen that a three-minute mobile phone conversation reduces the activity of organs and tissues in basically healthy people by an average of 30%, which coincides with data from the WHO. People with more pronounced electric potential deviations (up to 40% from the norm), the negative affect of the mobile phone’s electromagnetic radiation is more apparent and reaches 50%, but the Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer not only protects the body from the affects of the man-made radiation, it also promotes restoration of the disrupted activity.
The Aires Shield stabilizes this restorative effect for several hours.
These experiments conducted using various methods to diagnose functional activity lead to the conclusion that the Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizer is an effective tool to protect against the aggressive action of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones and computers.
The Aires Shield dampens the toxic effect of EMR, which fosters the preservation and restoration of the body’s functional activity. As a result, the body operates at the level corresponding to its genetic foundation.
A reduction in the aggressive effect of EMR promotes:
- Increased energy and, consequently, improved functioning of the immune system.
- Enhanced neuroendocrinal regulation.
- Synchronization of the central nervous system and renewal of a person’s mental and emotional state.
- Appropriate social adaptation. Increased capacity to work and opportunities for constructive personal realization.
Research on the change in an electromagnetic field in the presence of an Aires Shield
As is well-known, an electromagnetic field (EMF) is described by an oscillation frequency (f, с-1 or GHz) and wavelength (λ, m), which are related according to the following equation:

where c is the speed of light, equal to 3 x 108 m/s.
An EMF is also characterized by the plane of polarization that defines the distribution of the electric oscillations. Horizontal, vertical, and combined polarizations are distinguished from one another.
Standard GSM 900/1800 GHz phones with Aires Shield electromagnetic anomaly neutralizers applied to the cases were used in the experiment. Standard instruments were used to measure the fluctuations in EMF parameters (the electric and magnetic components):
1. HAKKO FG-450 static level meter (Japan).
2. AKTAKOM ATT-2592 electromagnetic field tester (Taiwan).
Other similar devices may also be used for the measurements
Other similar devices may also be used for the measurements.
When conducting the experiment, the following should be considered:
1. The polarization of the “body – mobile phone” system
A static field forms on the surface of the phone and its components, which begins to interact with the body, causing a negative physiological effect.
2. The strongest electromagnetic radiation from the mobile phone can be expected in the device’s near field, regardless of the standard.
3. The reality of the “body – mobile phone” interaction, since the phone is next to the cerebrum during use (1.5 cm thickness of the temporal bone + the perceptive area of the ear). The resonant phenomena in the skull’s bone tissue facilitates the penetration of the mobile phone’s electromagnetic field and its effect on the cerebrum.
4. The near field (within 0.3-0.5 mm of the device) is the most appropriate and accessible place to conduct the experiment, e.g. position the measuring instruments.
Measurement procedure:
1) The phone’s properties (changes in the electric and magnetic components of its EMF) are measured for its three operating modes: standby, call mode, and talk mode, for two radiators (handsets).
2) The electromagnetic fields near the phone are measured in standby-, call-, and talk mode, at realistic distances from the devices’ axes of orientation (in the near field: within 0.3-0.5 mm of the device and 0.7 and 1.5 m from the floor). The sensor is installed on the top of the phone. The Aires Shield is placed under the phone. The fluctuations (ΔBZ) pass through an analog-digital converter on a computer.
3) The measurements can be processed using Microsoft® Excel и Origin® 7.0. Each record is split into 0.256 s segments to compute the spectra based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT). The temporal spectrograms are constructed from the spectra obtained. The results is a three-dimensional plot S(f, t) with the following axes: time t [0-60 s] (on the horizontal), frequency f [0-500 GHz] (on the horizontal), and spectral density S(f, t) (on the vertical as a color gradient).
An analysis of the this data confirms that given a change in the electric and magnetic components by laboratory methods, a change is registered in the surface of the electromagnetic field’s polarization. The Aires Shield neutralizer significantly reduces the level of polarization, especially around the phone’s antenna and speaker, which is extremely important for the user.
One must differentiate between changes occurring in the phone’s near field and out of it. As noted, in the near field there is a pronounced reduction in the static field, while at a distance no substantial changes are detected.
1. An Aires Shield on a mobile phone differentiates the static potential (only within the near field) with a more than 3-fold change in the recorded parameters.
2. An Aires Shield on a mobile phone restructures the EMF: The neutralizer provides for a smooth downswing in energy S(f) with the first deep minimum around 35 GHz, and it substantially diminishes the intensity of the radiation around 50 GHz (only within the near field).
3. When measuring a mobile phone’s EMF parameters (the electric and magnetic components) in the presence of an Aires Shield, substantial changes are not observed outside the near field (at a distance of 0.5-1m). Thus, we may conclude that the neutralizer does not affect the signal reception at the base station.
Research on protecting against EMR using the Aires Defender
A multitude of scientific studies have been conducted which prove the effectiveness and security of the Aires Defender. The following investigative methods were used in this work to assess its effect:
- Voll electroacupuncture diagnostics.
- Nakatani functional diagnostics.
- Electroencephalographic examination.
- Rheoencephalographic examination.
- Computer-aided video psychoanalysis.
Assessment of the effect of the Aires Defender using the Voll electroacupuncture method
A Mini-Expert-DT electroacupuncture diagnostic apparatus was used to determine functional activity in a test group of subjects aged 3 to 94 years.
Observations were made before applying the Aires Defender and again with it positioned in the area of the projection of the celiac plexus under the xiphoid process.
The experimental results are presented as circular charts and graphs of the total deviation from the norm. The value at the norm is equal to 0, since there is no deviation at the norm.
In the circular charts, the black line represent the initial values, and the red line represents the values while using the Aires Defender. The meridian electric potential norm is from 50 to 65 (green band).
We present several of the experimental results by way of example.
1. 40-year-old female test subject.

Before application of the Aires Defender, the majority of the meridians were depressed and energy resources were sharply reduced. The neuroendocrinal, immune, and cardiovascular systems were especially depressed.
Upon examination with an Aires Defender on the projection of the celiac plexus, all electric potential measures were in the band of normal values and energy resources were restored.
2. 30-year-old male test subject.

The circular charts present a high degree of imbalance in the test subject’s vital body functions. Low energy resources were noted. High-risk group for serious diseases. This examination yielded an obvious example of the effect of environment on a young body.
After using the Aires Defender for 3 hours 40 minutes, a harmonization of oscillatory (wave) processes was observed and energy resources were restored, which leads to a balance in vital body functions.
The high initial value was 34. This dropped to 2 after using the Aires Defender for 3 hours 40 minutes.
The Aires Defender exhibits a pronounced protective effect in this instance.
3. 58-year-old female test subject.

The initial values of functional activity were extremely low. The test subject is in a high-risk group for developing serious diseases.
A second observation was made after a 4-hour application of the Aires Defender. It demonstrated an
excellent positive trend: the restoration of energy resources and the normalization of electric potential.
The high initial value of 40 indicates the possibility of developing serious diseases.
After 4 hours of using the Aires Defender, the value was decreased to 5.
4. 54-year-old female test subject.

The circular charts illustrate that a portion of the meridians were depressed and a portion were activated, evidence of the desynchronization of oscillatory (wave) processes which subsequently leads to the development of manifold homeostatic disorders.
After 37 minutes of the effects of the Aires Defender, most of the electric potential measures normalized. The reaction on the right was especially positive.
The value before the use of the Aires Defender was 23. After using the Aires Defender for 37 minutes, the value dropped to 8.
5. 43-year-old female test subject.

A significant reduction of energy resources owing to a pronounced depression of the majority of the meridians, especially on the lower half of the body (high-risk group for serious diseases).
After using the Aires Defender for 52 hours, energy resources were restored and the electric potential of the majority of the meridians normalized.
Before application of the Aires Defender the value was 24. After 52 hours with the Aires Defender, the value dropped to a minimum of 4.
6. 41-year-old test subject.
The following depicts the total deviation from the norm from the right (Fig. 1) and from the left (Fig. 2), under the influence of an Aires Defender.

The subject has a pronounced asymmetry in the initial measurements: 33 from the right and 44 from the left, which indicates a desynchronization of the right and left cerebral hemispheres.
After 46 hours of using the Aires Defender, the value dropped on both sides to 22 and the asymmetry was gone. After 98 hours of using the Aires Defender, the value dropped to a minimum of 5 on both sides.
7. Highly revealing observation data from a 3-year-old child.

The pronounced asymmetry in the circular charts is evidence of an imbalance of the oscillatory (wave) processes. Accordingly, the child’s vital functions were imbalanced. Energy resources were significantly reduced. These anomalies may eventually lead to the development of serious diseases and an irregular mental state, including learning disabilities and the inability to adapt socially.
After using the Aires Defender for 3 days, the asymmetry was significantly diminished and energy resources increased.
The initial value was 38. After 3 days of using the Aires Defender, there was a significant decrease to 8.
This observation is a clear example of the influence of the environment, especially of man-made electromagnetic radiation, on the growing body. Such conditions prevent the body from developing properly and, consequently, adapting socially and reaching its full potential.
The Aires Defender has a dampening effect on the influence of aggressive electromagnetic radiation, which allows the body to develop in accordance with its genetic foundation.
These tests using Voll electroacupuncture diagnostics lead to the conclusion that the Aires Defender is an effective tool to protect against the aggressive action of man-made electromagnetic radiation in one’s environment.
Assessment of the effect of the Aires Defender using Nakatani functional diagnostics.
Another test group was evaluated using Nakatani functional diagnostics. Observations were performed using a Mediscreen rapid-diagnostic apparatus.
The results are presented as diagnostic charts and circular charts.
The diagnostic charts are interpreted as follows: The middle band is the range of normal values (green meridians). From the right is the activation band (red meridians). From the left is the depressed activity band (red meridians).
The circular charts are interpreted as follows: The blue line is the left side. The green line is the right side. The red dashed line is the generalized measurement. The normal band is green.
We offer some examples below.
1. 68-year-old female test subject.
Diagnostic charts before application of the Aires Defender (Fig. 1) and after application for three days (Fig. 2).

These diagnostic charts show that initially energy resources are low – the average value is 28, with a norm from 25 to 55. Metabolic processes were retarded and there were signs of intoxication (Yin/Yang 1.36, with a norm of 0.9-1.1). There was a pronounced psychological and emotional load (top/bottom 1.44, with a norm of 0.8-1.2). Metabolic processes in the tissues of the locomotive mechanism were disrupted (left/right 0.88, with a norm of 0.9-1.2).
The charts is asymmetric due to the depression of some meridians and the activation of others, which indicates an imbalance of the oscillatory (wave) processes in the body. The test subject is in a high-risk group for developing serious diseases.
Under the influence of the Aires Defender, the level of functional activity was raised significantly, energy resources grew from 28 to 40, intoxication decreased, and the psychological and emotional state normalized.
The potential of most of the meridians were established in the range of normal values.
Test subject’s circular charts before the Aires Defender (Fig. 3) and after the Aires Defender (Fig. 4):
The blue line is the left side. The green line is the right side. The red dashed line is the generalized measurement.

Before using the Aires Defender, a pronounced asymmetry of the circular charts was observed due to the depression of some meridians and the activation of others.
After the effect, the chart’s asymmetry was substantially reduced and the majority of the measures were in the normal range (green band).
2. 46-year-old female test subject.
The test subject’s diagnostic chart at the beginning of the workday before the use of the Aires Defender (Fig. 1) and after 6 hours of working at a computer monitor with the Aires Defender (Fig. 2).

Before using the Aires Defender, the average energy resources were 32, with a norm from 25 to 55. The removal of metabolic toxins was retarded (Yin/Yang 1.31, with a norm of 0.9-1.1). Metabolic processes in the tissues of the locomotive mechanism were disrupted (Left/Right 0.74, with a norm of 0.9-1.2). The endocrine system was in a dysfunctional state.
At the end of a working day under the protection of an Aires Defender, energy resources did not fall, but rather increased from 32 to 39. Measurements for most of the meridians normalized, indicating an increase in the functional level despite the subject working for 6 hours at a computer monitor.
The test subject’s circular charts at the beginning of the workday (before application of the Aires Defender) (Fig. 3) and after working for 6 hours with the Aires Defender (Fig. 4).

Before applying the Aires Defender, a moderate asymmetry of the charts was observed due to the depression of some meridians and the activation of other meridians.
After 6 hours of working under the protection of the Aires Defender, the circular chart became more symmetric and measurements for the majority of the meridians were in the normal range of values (green band).
These tests using Nakatani functional diagnostics confirm that the Aires Defender is highly effective as a means of universal protection of the body against man-made electromagnetic radiation.
Especially obvious are the results of the 46-year-old test subject who, after working for 6 hours at a computer monitor, experienced an increased functional level accompanied by an increased capacity to work, the absence of fatigue, and the preservation of feelings of well-being at the end of the workday.
Effect of the Aires Defender based on electroencephalographic data.
We will now consider the affect of the Aires Defender on electroencephalograms (EEG) of the human cerebrum.
An electroencephalogram is a plot of a recording of the bioelectric activity of the cerebrum in the frequency range from 0.3 to 50 oscillations per second, divided into a number of bands (delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma). An EEG can be used to evaluate processes occurring in the cerebrum and can be successfully employed in the diagnosis of various diseases and conditions of the central nervous system. The cerebral hemispheres generate radiation independently and may operate in concert or in an uncoordinated way. The cerebral hemispheres differ in their functions. The right hemisphere perceives intuitive, figurative, and abstract information, while the left hemisphere perceives concrete, logical information. For example, the center of speech is located in the left hemisphere. Human evolution is a result of both growth in the capacity of each hemisphere and an increase in the number and quality of interconnections between them. The number of inter-hemisphere connections is a manifestation of the coordination of the two hemispheres. A person is competent in all areas (physical, mental, social) only when the maximum number of interconnections between the hemispheres have developed in the brain and the interactions between them are harmonious and coordinated. The degree of coordination between the interconnections is marked by color in the charts: maximum coordination – pink, average – red, imbalance – dark blue, maximum imbalance – light blue.
We present examples of changes observed in EEG parameters during use of the Aires Defender. We note that in no case was there an worsening of the initial measurements. For convenience, the EEG being compared are placed next to each other. On the left is the initial data. One the right is the baseline of Aires Defender usage.
Figure 1 on the left presents the initial EEG of a 30-year-old test subject before use of the Aires Defender. Complaints were made about poor diligence at the computer due to rapid eye strain, and about a decreased concentration and reduced memory. The “flat” EEG clearly has low-amplitude alpha activity.
On the right is a second EEG, after using the Aires Defender for 30 days. There is a noticeable increase in the alpha rhythm. The test subject mentioned an increase in capacity to work and an improvement in concentration and memory.

It can be seen in Figure 2 that the initial EEG recorded destructive interaction (dark blue) in the delta-1 band and the depletion of intercenter links. After a month of using the Aires Defender, the destructive interactions were eliminated, and the intercenter links in the delta-1 band were restored and concentrated. Ideally, each center should have a coordinated, consonant link (pink or red) with all others, which would increase its functional capabilities and the abilities of the entire system as a whole.

based on cross-correlation in the delta-1 band.
based on cross-correlation in the delta-2 band.
It can be seen in Figure 3 that the initial EEG recorded destructive interaction (dark blue) and the depletion of intercenter links, also in the delta-2 band. After a month of using the Aires Defender, the destructive interactions were eliminated, and the intercenter links in the delta-2 band were restored and concentrated.
Fig. 4 – The depletion of intercenter links was observed in the initial EEG. After a month of using the Aires Defender, the intercenter links in the theta band were restored and concentrated.

based on cross-correlation in the theta band.
based on cross-correlation in the alpha band.
Fig. 5 also shows a depletion of intercenter links in the initial EEG. After a month of using the Aires Defender, the intercenter links in the alpha band were restored and concentrated.
Fig. 6 – Destructive interactions (dark blue) and the depletion of intercenter links were observed in the initial EEG. After a month of using the Aires Defender, the destructive interactions were eliminated, and the intercenter links in all frequency bands were restored and concentrated.

based on cross-correlation in all bands.
Figure 7 shows the phase delays (blue and dark blue) at the different leads before the application of the Aires Defender. This creates a functional asymmetry of the hemispheres. After application of the Aires Defender, symmetry is restored.
In summary, the EEG data presented indicates entirely positive changes in the functional state of the central nervous system with the use of the Aires Defender, in all examined cases.
Effect of the Aires Defender based on rheoencephalographic data.
The results of an rheoencephalogram serve as indirect evidence for the conclusion set forth above. They demonstrate the renewal of cerebral blood flow in a 38-year-old test subject when the Aires Defender is applied.

Rheoencephalograms showing cerebral blood flow based on the rheoencephalographic index (RI) for a 38-year-old woman under the influence of an Aires Defender. The normal range is indicated in green. The blue color shows the level of blood flow. The RI norm is between 0.90-0.120.
The figure clearly shows an initial reduction in blood flow below the normal level and its gradual restoration to the norm after 40 minutes with the Aires Defender.
The Aires Defender dampens the toxic effect of EMR, which fosters the preservation and restoration of the body’s functional activity. As a result, the body operates at the highest level that corresponds to its genetic foundation.
A reduction in the aggressive effect of man-made EMR in the environment promotes:
- Increased energy resources and the body’s use of its own reserves to resist infection, especially viruses.
- Enhanced neuroendocrinal regulation.
- Synchronization of the central nervous system and renewal of a person’s mental and emotional state, which results in increased capacity to work and higher quality self-realization.
- Appropriate social adaption, which is especially important for the young body. Increased opportunities for constructive personal realization.