
Electrosmog & EMF Radiation

Electrosmog and Autoimmune Disorders: Understanding the Role of Electromagnetic Fields in Immune System Dysregulation

In today’s modern world, we are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic waves, known as electrosmog. These waves come from various sources such as cell phones, WiFi signals, and even our neighbor’s TV. While the impact of electrosmog on human health remains a topic of debate, recent studies have shed light on its potential role in immune system dysregulation and the development of autoimmune disorders. In this blog post, we will explore the findings of a study published in the journal PMC, and discuss the implications of electromagnetic fields on our immune system.

What is it?

Electrosmog refers to the electromagnetic radiation present in our environment. It encompasses a range of frequencies, from radio waves to microwaves, and even higher frequency signals such as those used in WiFi communication. The quantity and nature of electrosmog have been increasing over the years, proportionate to our advancement of technology.

The Study’s Findings:

The study highlighted in the PMC article investigates the effects of electrosmog on the Vitamin-D receptor (VDR) pathway, which is associated with many chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The researchers found that the activated VDR becomes structurally unstable when exposed to electromagnetic fields. Interestingly, these characteristic modes of instability lie in the microwave frequency range, currently populated by cellphone and WiFi signals. The study also included a case series of patients wearing a silver-threaded cap designed to protect the brain from microwave electrosmog. Astonishingly, 90% of the patients reported significant changes in their disease symptoms.

Read more on the link between EMF radiation & fertility here, the most common EMF myths debunked here and the spectrum of sensitivity here.

Implications for Autoimmune Disorders:

Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells and tissues. The study suggests that electrosmog may play a role in immune system dysregulation by affecting the VDR pathway. The observed structural instability of the VDR when exposed to electromagnetic fields raises concerns about the potential for electrosmog to contribute to the development and progression of autoimmune diseases. These findings suggest that controlling environmental electrosmog may be necessary for successful therapy in autoimmune disorders.

The Link to Immune System Dysregulation:

It is well-established that ionizing radiation, such as X-rays, suppresses the immune system. However, the impact of non-ionizing radiation, like the one emitted by electrosmog, has been less clear. Research on animals has revealed that exposure to low-intensity non-ionizing electromagnetic waves can lead to a suppressed immune response (not the most ideal situation). Furthermore, the study found that the VDR complex, which is vital for proper immune function, exhibits structural resonances at frequencies typically found in modern electrosmog.

Read more here on how the type of car you choose can affect your exposure, here to read more on the wired vs wireless debate and here on how the devices in your kitchen might exacerbate your exposure.

The Role of Molecular Dynamics:

For those seeking a more intricate explanation, it’s imperative to recognize the role of molecular dynamics. To better understand how electrosmog interacts with human metabolism, the researchers used molecular dynamics simulations. These simulations allowed them to visualize the relative motion of atoms in the VDR as it interacts with a drug called olmesartan. The simulations showed that electromagnetic forces exerted by electrosmog can influence the activation of the VDR molecule, potentially impacting gene transcription and proper immune function.

While the impact of electrosmog on human health is still a subject of ongoing research, the findings of this study suggest a potential link between electromagnetic fields and immune system dysregulation in the development of autoimmune disorders. The observed structural instability of the VDR molecule when exposed to electrosmog highlights the need for further investigation into the effects of electrosmog on the immune system. Ultimately, these findings call for increased awareness and effective control of environmental electrosmog as a potential therapy for autoimmune diseases.