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How Ben Greenfield Protects Himself From EMFs Using This Patented System

Get protection from EMF radiation with 

this patented EMF modulating device

Wednesday, August 9 ‍
by Josh Bruni

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We know EMFs are everywhere.. but what exactly are they? 

Electronic devices are everywhere. With cell phones, tablets, laptops, and more, it’s hard to remember a day when you didn’t use some form of technology.

That’s not to mention all the infrastructure that supports our personal devices such as Wi-Fi routers, smart meters, and 5G towers. All of these things are sources of electromagnetic fields that are harmful to our health.

In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) even classifies EMF as a class 2B carcinogen.

EMF can cause oxidative stress, fatigue, and diminished performance. It harms your central nervous system, brain, and reproductive organs. Even worse, it can contribute to long-term health issues.

While some people wait and see when regulations for EMF safety will come, others are finding ways to achieve optimal wellness and prevent lifelong damage with a simple, effective solution.

A simple, science-based solution to mitigating the effects of EMFs, backed by

real research

One of the ways many people are seeking to minimize harm from EMF is with ‘modulation’. At this point, you may be thinking, "What is modulation?" To put it simply, it's when the EMF is transformed into a biologically friendly form, that can virtually eliminate the impacts of radiofrequency radiation.

To passively modulate, a patented Aires silicon resonator chip is powered by surrounding sources of EMFs.

Published scientific research has demonstrated that this is an effective method of modulation, thus mitigating EMF response by the human body. Until recently, the only way to do this was by blocking or absorbing EMF, which is difficult and doesn’t allow for consistent use of your electronics.

If you aren’t taking protecting yourself from EMFs, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.


Two is better than one, and you know you have two devices nearby that could use protection from.

 If you aren’t taking protecting yourself from EMFs, you are operating at a disadvantage.  

Finally, a solution that works with our technology, not against it 

EMF “blocking”, “harmonizing”, and “absorbing” products have exploded in popularity over the last decade. They are often promoted as ‘3rd party tested’ but many of these products have been proven to be fraudulent or misleading.

Many make outlandish claims about what they can do, few have both scientific and social proof to back them up. Until we came along.

Aires Tech is different.

If you want a true solution, you need to concentrate on two things: seeking out real science that even scientists trust, and an approach that doesn’t interfere with your devices or your lifestyle. Aires Tech was founded with both goals in mind.

With its globally patented nanotechnology, Aires Tech helps build an environment in which the body can perform at its best and protect its functioning for lasting health and wellness.

Aires Ambassador: 

Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield is a health consultant, speaker, and New York Times bestselling author of a wide variety of books including the widely popular titles Beyond Training, Boundless, Fit Soul, Spiritual Disciplines Journal, the Boundless Cookbook and Endure. A former collegiate tennis, water polo and volleyball player, bodybuilder, 13-time Ironman triathlete and professional obstacle course racer, Ben has been voted by the NSCA as America’s top Personal Trainer and by Greatist as one of the top 100 Most Influential People In Health And Fitness.

Find out why.

If you aren’t taking Alpha BRAIN®, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.

Your daily protection pal from harmful EMFs is here.

Lifetune One

How Aires Tech Patented EMF Modulation Technology Works

How exactly does Aires Lifetune modulate EMFs? The solution is simpler than you think. 

Ever use noise-canceling headphones? The technology behind them is called negative interference, which essentially duplicates a sound and cancels the two sound waves out. Lifetune applies a similar technology in our Aires silicon resonator chips to modulate EMF radiation from your devices, eliminating bodily harm. It’s scientifically proven and backed by peer-reviewed research, 30+ years of development, and 25 global patents!

Backed by 25 Patents

Our design and functional patents prove our solution is unique and effective at supporting a better life alongside technology.

Trusted by 100k+ people in 60+ countries

Athletes, scientists, and health practitioners use Aires in over 60+ countries to protect themselves from EMF. 

Money Back Guarantee

Don't experience the benefits of Aires? Get your money back. 

All Lifetune devices are uniquely powerful in their coverage options. So it could be described as being a 100% customizable experience.

What also makes Aires Tech exceptional is that it is so easy to use. In fact, the Lifetune solution is so simple it doesn’t require any set-up, charging, or maintenance.

Aires Expert: Dr. Nicholas Dogris

Dr. Dogris is the CEO and Co-founder of Neurofield, Inc., a company that develops specialized neurostimulation and neurofeedback modalities designed to restore functionality to the brain. He is a licensed psychologist in the state of California and specializes in Health Psychology, wellness and mind body physiology. He is an expert in QEEG brain mapping and is a board certified QEEG Diplomate. He is also board certified in neurofeedback through the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA). 

If you aren't protecting yourself from EMFs, you're operating at a disadvantage. 

If you aren’t taking Alpha BRAIN®, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.

If you aren’t protecting yourself from EMFs, you are operating at a disadvantage.

Find out why.

Backed by 9 peer reviewed studies and 25 patents


Smart Phones

Bluetooth Headphones

Smart Home Assistants



Bluetooth Headphones

Smart home devices

Endorsed by Ben Greenfield

Celebrated by athletes and performers alike, chief among them is Ben Greenfield. As a popular Author, Podcaster, and health and fitness expert, Ben knows better than most the vital need (and ways!) to keep his body a peak performance.

It’s why he trusts Aires Tech. So that more people can benefit from advances in EMF solutions to improve cognitive power, overall wellness, and boosted performance.

Ben is a great believer in tools that ‘do the work’ to help us achieve great results, whether in sports, careers, or our personal lives.

Ben knows with Aires Tech’s scientifically proven technology, people can get the edge on day-to-day performance and long-term wellness.

Protect Yourself From EMFs with Aires Lifetune®

For a limited time, you can save up to 30% when you purchase an 

Aires Lifetune. 

Aires Lifetune One is your daily EMF protection pal best used on your cell phone, headphones, tablet or laptop.