Interview with Dr. Robert Turner - airestech

Insights on EMF Protection with Dr. Robert Turner

Dr. Robert Turner, a skilled neurologist and epileptologist, shares his personal experience and expertise to raise awareness about the harmful effects of EMF exposure and solutions for EMF protection.

“Environmental electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) are currently among the most unrecognized, yet most influential factors causing and worsening a multitude of human illnesses worldwide, affecting the entire age-span – from before birth through adulthood and senescence. In addition to recognizing EMF impacts on virtually every organ system, methods and legitimate devices must be made available that minimize and ameliorate the harmful effects of EMF in every aspect of life.”

– Dr. Robert Turner

Dr. Turner on the Wave Forward Podcast

In this episode, Dr. Turner explains what EMFs are and where they come from and the health risks of EMF exposure, specifically with regard to metabolic and heart health. He also offers advice on EMF protection, including practical tips such as:

  • Using wired connections instead of wireless where possible

  • Turning off Wi-Fi routers at night or when not in use

  • Removing electronic devices from the bedroom to improve sleep quality

  • Using speakerphone or wired headphones during calls to minimize direct contact

  • Using EMF protection devices, such as those from Aires Tech that are designed to mitigate the harmful effects of EMFs

About Dr. Robert Turner

Dr. Robert ‘Rusty’ P. Turner is the owner of Network Neurology Health LLC, an integrative neuroscience mentoring practice based out of Charleston SC, providing consultative mentoring, promoting whole-person brain and physiologic health, EEG and QEEG interpretation, and inpatient pediatric neurology hospitalist consultative work in states where there is a shortage of pediatric neurology providers. From 2013-2020, up until the COVID-19 pandemic, the company maintained a busy clinical neurology/neuromodulation practice performing neurological evaluations, treatments, and QEEG-guided neurofeedback. 

As a neuroscientist with almost 40 years of experience, Dr. Turner is a skilled neurologist and epileptologist trained in EEG, clinical neurophysiology, electrodiagnostic medicine, pediatrics and child/adult neurology, epilepsy, neuromuscular diseases, neurodevelopmental medicine, clinical research, biostatistics, and epidemiology.


Dr. Turner's Board Certifications

  • National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)
  • American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) With Special Qualification in Child Neurology
  • American Board of Pediatrics (ABP)
  • American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine (ABEM)
  • American Board of Clinical Neurophysiology (ABCN)
  • American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) With Added Qualification in Clinical Neurophysiology
  • American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) With Added Qualification in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
  • American Society of Neurorehabilitation (ASNR)
  • Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) in Neurofeedback
  • International Quantitative EEG Certification Board (IQCB) in Quantitative EEG
  • American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) With Added Qualification in Epilepsy

Check out Aires Tech's First Interview with Dr. Turner Here

The Aires team sat down for an extended interview with Dr. Robert P. Turner in 2022 to talk about his background, how he discovered the EMF problem, and much more. 

Pursuing Whole-Person Health

His mission is to provide online guidance and mentoring for both healthcare providers and healthcare consumers in order to promote whole-person brain and physiologic health. Dr. Turner also provides cutting edge EEG and qEEG review and interpretation to better help understand brain functioning and brain health.

In addition to his passion for helping others grow toward better health, Dr. Turner also periodically works in Children’s Hospitals in other states – due to the shortage of pediatric neurologists around the world – to provide inpatient pediatric neurology consulting services for the ever-increasing numbers of children being hospitalized for brain-related disorders.

Educational Background

Dr. Turner progressed to tenured associate professor of pediatrics, neurology, and biostatistics/epidemiology/bioinformatics at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) from 1997-2013, and then a training sabbatical in neuromodulation, neuroregulation, and neurofeedback in 2013. During his tenure at MUSC, he also served as Medical Director of the Clinical Neurophysiology Lab and was a member of the senior faculty of the MUSC Comprehensive Epilepsy Center.

While a full-time faculty member at MUSC, he completed the Master of Science in Clinical Research (MSCR) graduate fellowship training in 2001-2003 in order to pursue clinical research interests combining music, EEG analysis, neuromodulation/neurostimulation, and neuroepidemiology to help people with epilepsy, neuropsychiatric disorders, and traumatic brain injury.

Studying piano since 4 years of age, Dr. Turner initially majored in piano performance and foreign languages during college, but transitioned to a science/pre-med major at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) in order to go to medical school (1980-1984) at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) in Omaha, NE. While in medical school, he pursued graduate studies in piano performance in the UNO College of Graduate Studies , completing his studies with a graduate piano recital in 1984 (after graduating from Medical School). He continues to love piano and even occasionally plays in downtown Charleston.