Medical Devices - A cause for concern? - airestech

Medical Devices - A cause for concern?

The Impact of Electromagnetic Fields on Medical Devices: A Public Health Perspective The advent of technology has revolutionized healthcare, with medical devices playing a pivotal role in patient care and treatment. However, the interaction of these devices with electromagnetic fields (EMF) poses a significant concern, especially for public health workers who are frequently exposed to such environments. Medical devices, particularly implantable ones like pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs), are increasingly being used to treat conditions such as cardiac arrhythmia. These devices often contain sensors to monitor heartbeats, onboard memory to record data, processors to determine required therapy, and circuitry to generate electrical impulses or shocks to correct the heart’s operation. The number of such devices is expected to rise as life-sustaining and life-improving technologies advance. However, these devices can be affected by electromagnetic interference (EMI), a disruption caused by electromagnetic fields generated by nearby devices. EMI can interrupt or damage the functioning of implanted electronic devices. Given that public health workers are often surrounded by electronic devices, understanding the effects of EMI on medical devices is crucial. EMI can originate from everyday consumer devices like cell phones, microwaves, radio frequency identification (RFID) equipment, anti-theft devices, and metal detectors. It can also be generated by medical procedures involving dental equipment, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), neurostimulation, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and defibrillators. Environmental factors like lightning and solar flares can also generate EMI. Want to measure how much radiation you’re exposed to on a day to day basis? Read more about EMF meters here, what devices in the kitchen may expose you to unnecessary exposure here and the compounding effect here – that might be detrimental down the road. The effects of EMI on medical devices can range from discomfort to life-threatening situations. For instance, EMI from faulty swimming pool wiring has been shown to cause ICDs to record nonexistent erratic cardiac behavior and unnecessarily activate, delivering painful electric shocks to patients. Other devices susceptible to EMI include neurostimulators, cochlear implants, bowel and bladder control stimulation implants, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) shunt systems, visual prostheses, and implantable drug infusion pumps. Interested in how EMFs are affecting human health? Learn more about how EMFs are affecting your brain health here and your immunity here. The impact of EMI on medical devices underscores the need for public health workers to be aware of their environment and the potential risks associated with EMF radiation. It also highlights the importance of ongoing research and development in the field of medical device technology to ensure the safety and effectiveness of these life-saving tools. Read more about how the current election might affect funding for EMF radiation research here and what influencers in the field such as Tim Ferris and others have to say here. So, while the advancement of medical device technology has significantly improved patient care, it is crucial to understand and mitigate the potential risks associated with EMF radiation. By doing so, we can ensure the safety of both public health workers and the patients they serve.