EMF Regulations : USA Timeline - airestech

EMF Regulations : USA Timeline

  • In a 2019 senate hearing, a senator was questioned on the amount of research being done to test the safety of 5G and radiations, but the response was none
  • The US Government is still taking time to gather more data on the effects of such technology and cell phone radiation, however, no strict regulations have been put in place
  • US Government Agencies have been found guilty of ignoring evidence of the impact of EMF on human health
  • In the last 3 decades, although there’s been some progress (better than none), most regulations have not been fully implemented so it is important that the government correctly takes action in accordance with the research results to prevent any lasting biological effects

In a 2019 senate hearing, Senator Blumenthal was questioned on what research, in particular, was being conducted to explore the safety of 5G technology and radiation effects overall, and his response was none.

The United States Government is still taking time to gather more data on the effects of such technology and cell phone radiation, however, no strict regulations have been put in place. Nonetheless, the USA has a timeline of certain policy advancements that have demonstrated some potential:

1989: COT Report that found a number of studies suggesting that under some conditions, even the weakest magnetic fields can contribute to biological changes.

The 1980s to 1996: EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) measured levels in the USA and was tasked to develop wireless radiation safety limits. These have still not been fully implemented or updated.

1996: EPA defunded from researching EMFs. EPA stopped projects measuring EMF levels in different US cities.

2009: US Senate Hearings explore health effects of cell phone wireless radiation.

2013 – 2019: Numerous studies depicting scientific evidence of wireless radiation were submitted to FCC (Federal Communications Commission)

2019: FCC decision to not update 1996 RF limits

2021: US Court of appeals for rules on EHT (Environmental Health Trust) et al vs FCC, with a ruling in favor of EHT. Petition filed to warn public.

The history of regulations surrounding technology radiation in the USA hasn’t been a linear path but in the last 3 decades, the abundance of data collected on the effects of radiation all point in the direction of necessary change. Most regulations have not been fully implemented and unfortunately, updating the 1996 RF limits is still in progress, so it is important that the government correctly implements these regulations in accordance with the research results to prevent any lasting biological effect

The history of regulations surrounding technology radiation in the USA hasn’t been a linear path but in the last 3 decades, the abundance of data collected on the effects of radiation all point in the direction of necessary change. Most regulations have not been fully implemented and unfortunately, updating the 1996 RF limits is still in progress, so it is important that the government correctly implements these regulations in accordance with the research results to prevent any lasting biological effects.s.