EEG : A Powerful Tool to Study EMF and Human Health - airestech

EEG : A Powerful Tool to Study EMF and Human Health

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is one way to test and measure brain activity. In medicine, EEGs are used to help diagnose a number of brain-related disorders. EEG testing also provides a method to research the effects of RF-EMF on the brain. Read on for more information on how EEGs work and why they are a valuable tool in the study of EMFs and human health.

An EEG records wave patterns by evaluating the electrical impulses that stem brain cells communicating with each other. Metal discs, also called electrodes, are attached to the scalp, either directly or on a cap that fits tightly over the head. The electrodes are connected to wires which then transfer the recording to a computer for analysis. The EEG can be conducted during an awake but resting state, while sleeping, as well as during the performance of a cognitive activity.

The data from the EEG appears as waves, with peaks and valleys depending on brain activity. It can be analyzed in this format, or is translated into a different form, such as a brain map. Brain mapping is formally known as qEEG and provides a visual representation that can aid in further evaluation of the data. The results from an EEG are represented by colors that compare the individual test subject to an average population.

In the study of the effects of RF-EMF on the brain, EEGs can provide insight on how brain activity is impacted during exposure. In the case of electronic devices that are often used close to the head, such as cell phones, a qEEG analysis can offer a visual representation of the impact when compared to normal brain activity. Additionally, it can also be used to research the effects of exposure to EMF while sleeping and help study on the overall effects on the central nervous system.

Up until now, the results of this research have been rather inconclusive, as we often see within the EMF field. Specifically, when studying EMF exposure with EEG tests, the data can vary greatly depending on the parameters of the experiment and the individual physiology of the test subjects. However, qEEG analyses offer important visual representations of the impacts on the brain in real time, highlighting a need for long-term, highly controlled studies. This type of testing will allow for better understanding of the effects of EMFs not only on the brain, but on the entire central nervous system.

Check out our video to see the results of brain scans with and without Aires products, and hear from an expert in EEG field to learn more about the statistical power of brain mapping!