An Unseen Danger: Exploring the Potential Impact of EMFs on Animal Health - airestech

An Unseen Danger: Exploring the Potential Impact of EMFs on Animal Health

In the midst of technological advancement, could we be overlooking its potential impact on the health of animals around us? In recent years, the potential impact of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on health has become a growing concern, not only for humans but also for animals – that are an integral part of environmental health. This concern was highlighted in a mysterious case of horse deaths at Churchill Downs, a renowned horse racing track, and the possible link to EMFs.

The tragedy at Churchill Downs unfolded with the sudden deaths of 12 racehorses since April 29, 2023, an eight-fold increase in mortality among 1,600 starts. An intriguing factor in this case was the introduction of a wireless device, STRIDESafe, fitted on every racehorse in Spring 2023. Emitting pulses of radio frequency (RF) radiation, STRIDESafe monitored horse movements 2,400 times per second, communicating with an RFID chip implanted in each horse’s neck and a GPS component.

The timing of the device’s introduction and the surge in horse deaths raised the question: Could EMF exposure from these devices be a contributing factor to these unexplained fatalities? This proposition is supported by numerous peer-reviewed studies such as this one showing harmful effects of EMFs, including Wi-Fi radiation and 5G, on both humans and animals.

Supporting this hypothesis is a historical precedent: A 1998 interview with a racehorse trainer revealed devastating effects on her horses due to an FM radio tower. Her experiences showed that racehorses, with their finely tuned physiology, could be particularly sensitive to EMF exposure.

However, the link between the horse deaths at Churchill Downs and EMFs is speculative at this stage. It’s important to consider other factors such as stress, diet, and underlying health conditions that could also play a role. Nevertheless, the correlation warrants further investigation to rule out or confirm EMFs as a potential cause. This incident serves as a wake-up call for the potential risks associated with wireless technologies, highlighting the need for rigorous safety testing and regulations. Moreover, this case brings to light the broader implications of EMFs on environmental health. If EMFs can impact larger animals like horses, they may also affect smaller organisms such as bees that form integral parts of our ecosystems. Therefore, understanding and managing the impact of EMFs is essential to protecting our environment and all its inhabitants.

So while it’s too early to definitively link the deaths at Churchill Downs to EMFs, this case serves as a potent reminder of the potential risks associated with unchecked EMF exposure. As we increasingly rely on wireless technologies, we must prioritize understanding and mitigating their potential impacts on our health and the health of the animals we care for. Another example that have been negatively affected by EMF radiation are bees – read more here.