U.S. Presidential Candidates & EMF Radiation Exposure Reduction - airestech

U.S. Presidential Candidates & EMF Radiation Exposure Reduction

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are a growing concern for many individuals, as our modern world becomes increasingly reliant on technology and wireless communication. With the upcoming U.S. presidential election, it is essential to understand the positions and plans of the leading candidates regarding EMF radiation exposure reduction. In this article, we will explore the proposals put forth by President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, analyzing their potential impact on public health and research funding. To read more about Robert F Kennedy’s stance, read more here. Additionally, we will delve into the potential consequences of the election outcomes on EMF radiation research funding.

President Donald Trump’s Approach

President Donald Trump has prioritized a business-friendly, deregulatory agenda during his tenure. This approach extends to environmental regulations, including those addressing climate change and EMF radiation exposure. Shortly after taking office, President Trump issued an executive order stating that for every new regulation implemented, two had to be eliminated. This deregulatory agenda has implications for the rules protecting the nation’s air, water, and the regulation of EMF radiation.

One of the key focuses of President Trump’s administration has been rolling back policy measures to address climate change. Congress has been reluctant to pass legislation on this matter, providing an opportunity for the administration to dismantle existing regulations. However, it is important to note that President Trump’s approach to EMF radiation exposure reduction has not been explicitly outlined.

Joe Biden’s Environmental Platform

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has taken a different stance on environmental protection and the reduction of EMF radiation exposure. Biden’s platform prioritizes the urgent need to address climate change and its associated challenges. He has set an ambitious goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This objective requires a significant shift from the current deregulatory approach, along with the implementation of new legislation.

While Joe Biden’s platform does not explicitly address the reduction of EMF radiation exposure, his emphasis on environmental protection and addressing climate change suggests a potential commitment to addressing the potential health risks associated with EMFs. Achieving his climate change goals may require a reevaluation of existing regulations and the implementation of new measures to mitigate EMF radiation exposure.

RFKJ’s stance on EMF radiation

The core of Kennedy’s concerns revolves around the potential risks associated with wireless communication technologies and their emissions of EMF radiation. He questions the adequacy of research and regulatory standards surrounding EMFs, specifically targeting cell phones and Wi-Fi. He also raises concerns about the long-term effects of EMF exposure, particularly on children’s health and development. He urges society to reevaluate the safety of current technologies and consider the potential risks of widespread EMF radiation exposure​(1​)

In the Joe Rogan podcast, Kennedy highlighted how quickly we adopt technological advancements without considering the potential health repercussions down the line. He noted that we rarely think twice about where we install Wi-Fi antennas, which can expose numerous children to radiation firsthand.

Kennedy’s stance on EMF radiation is backed by numerous scientific studies and expert opinions. For example, he references a 2011 report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that classified EMF radiation as a possible human carcinogen, emphasizing the need for further investigation. Additionally, he cites a 2018 study that found evidence of potential dangers to human health from Wi-Fi radiation, such as apoptosis, oxidative stress, DNA damage, and hormonal changes. Kennedy’s vocal stance on EMF radiation has significant implications for public health. By addressing concerns and highlighting scientific evidence, he contributes to ongoing discussions regarding the potential risks associated with EMF exposure. His advocacy encourages further research and emphasizes the need for precautionary measures to ensure public safety​.

Impact on Research Funding

The outcome of the U.S. presidential election can have significant implications for research funding related to EMF radiation. Currently, there is a lack of comprehensive and high-quality epidemiological studies examining the effects of 5G EMF exposure on human health. This knowledge gap highlights the need for increased research funding to better understand the potential risks and develop appropriate safety guidelines.

Under President Donald Trump’s administration, the focus on deregulation may result in reduced funding for research on EMF radiation exposure. The administration’s priority has been on promoting business interests and rolling back regulations, which may not align with allocating substantial resources for studying the health effects of EMFs.

On the other hand, Joe Biden’s platform emphasizes the importance of science-based decision-making and the urgent need to address climate change. This commitment to scientific research may translate into increased funding for studies on EMF radiation exposure and its potential health impacts. Biden’s proposed environmental policies, if implemented, could create opportunities for researchers to explore the effects of EMFs and develop evidence-based guidelines for public safety.


The U.S. presidential election holds great significance for the future of EMF radiation exposure reduction and research funding. While President Donald Trump’s deregulatory agenda may not explicitly prioritize the reduction of EMF radiation, Joe Biden’s platform focuses on environmental protection and addressing climate change, which could indirectly impact efforts to mitigate EMF exposure. The election outcomes will determine the direction of environmental policies and research funding, potentially shaping the future of EMF radiation exposure reduction. It is crucial for voters to consider these factors when making their decisions and to stay informed about the candidates’ positions on this important issue.


Read more about Trump’s deregulation approach here and why senator Blumenthal spoke out against the FCC here.

Additional Information: It is important to note that the potential impact of the U.S. election outcomes on EMF radiation research funding depends on various factors, including the composition of Congress, the priorities of the elected officials, and the overall political landscape. The information provided in this article is based on the candidates’ stated positions and the general trends observed during their campaigns. It is subject to change based on future developments and policy decisions.