
Debate Over Cell Towers on School Property

News Story Overview

In Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD), California, a contentious debate has emerged over the presence of cell towers on school campuses. This situation unfolded during a public hearing at a TVUSD board meeting, where the focus was on three cell towers located at Temecula Middle School and Chaparral High School. The existence of these towers, covered by 15-year ground-lease contracts valued at over $500,000, has sparked a heated discussion about student health and EMF (Electromagnetic Field) radiation.

The central figure in this debate is TVUSD board president Dr. Joseph Komrosky, who possesses a Ph.D. in philosophy and has a background in nuclear medicine, particularly in PET/CT imaging for cancer patients. Dr. Komrosky, leveraging his experience and expertise, strongly advocates for the removal of these towers, citing concerns over the harmful effects of EMF radiation on both human and animal health. He presented a resolution to ban these towers from all school sites, a move he argues is necessary to protect student health​​​​.

However, Dr. Komrosky’s stance faced significant opposition from other board members and the public. Trustees Allison Barclay and Steven Schwartz challenged his views, referencing the positions of national and international organizations like the American Cancer Society and the World Health Organization, which contradict his claims about the harmful effects of EMFs. Moreover, some public comments criticized Komrosky’s claim of expertise in this area, considering his academic background in philosophy rather than a scientific field directly related to EMFs​​.

The debate also touched upon a 2021 court case where the FCC was criticized for not updating its radiofrequency radiation exposure guidelines since 1996. While this case did not conclude that EMFs from cell towers are harmful, it highlighted regulatory gaps in managing EMF exposure. Despite this, Komrosky’s resolution, which also suggested restrictions on the proximity of cell towers to school campuses, did not gain enough support from the board and ultimately failed. The resolution’s failure leaves the future of cell towers on TVUSD campuses uncertain​​.

This scenario in TVUSD highlights the complexities surrounding EMF radiation, public health, and technology in educational settings. It underscores the challenges in balancing technological needs, such as reliable Wi-Fi for educational purposes, with health concerns and the need for updated regulatory standards. The debate in Temecula Valley reflects a broader conversation happening globally about the impact of technology on health, particularly in environments frequented by vulnerable groups like children.

How Does EMF Radiation Affect Children?

When discussing electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and their impact, special attention must be paid to children, whose developing brains and bodies may be more vulnerable. This section explores why EMFs can be potentially dangerous for children, breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand information.

1. Developing Brains: Enhanced Sensitivity to EMFs

Children’s brains are in a critical stage of development, making them more susceptible to external influences. The skull of a child is thinner and the brain more absorbent to EMFs compared to adults. This increased absorption could potentially lead to altered brain development, although definitive scientific conclusions are still being explored. Studies have suggested a link between EMF exposure and changes in brain function, such as cognitive impairment and altered brainwave patterns, but these findings are not yet conclusive.

2. Rapidly Growing Tissues and Cells

The bodies of children are rapidly growing, involving constant cell division and development. This growth phase may make them more susceptible to external factors, including EMFs. Some scientific theories suggest that prolonged EMF exposure could interfere with cellular processes, potentially leading to health issues. While the evidence is not definitive, the precautionary principle suggests limiting EMF exposure during these critical growth periods.

3. Long-Term Exposure Risks

Children today are exposed to EMFs from a very young age, leading to potentially longer cumulative exposure over their lifetime. This long-term exposure raises concerns about the potential chronic health effects that might manifest later in life. The World Health Organization and other health bodies are actively researching these long-term impacts, focusing on understanding the implications of early and prolonged EMF exposure.

4. Behavioral and Psychological Impacts

Beyond the physical effects, there is growing interest in how EMF exposure may affect children’s behavior and mental health. Some studies have indicated a correlation between high EMF exposure and issues like hyperactivity or attention deficits, although these findings are preliminary and require further research.

5. The Precautionary Approach to EMF Exposure

Given the uncertainties and ongoing research, many health experts advocate for a precautionary approach to EMF exposure, especially in children. This involves taking steps to minimize unnecessary EMF exposure, such as limiting the use of wireless devices, using wired connections when possible, and ensuring that sleeping areas are free from high EMF sources.

6. Regulatory and Health Standards

Currently, EMF exposure guidelines are generally based on the short-term, immediate effects of EMF exposure. However, these standards may not adequately address the potential long-term health risks, particularly for children. As such, there is a call for more stringent regulations and guidelines specifically tailored to protect children’s health.

EMF Radiation in School

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are prevalent in schools, and understanding their sources is crucial for parents concerned about their children’s exposure. This 400-word section identifies common sources of EMF radiation in schools and explains why it’s important for parents to be mindful of these.

1. Wi-Fi Routers and Hotspots

One of the most significant sources of EMF radiation in schools is Wi-Fi routers and hotspots. These devices, necessary for internet access, emit EMFs continuously. With the increasing integration of digital learning tools, Wi-Fi usage in schools has become more prevalent.

2. Electronic Devices and Computers

Classrooms are increasingly equipped with electronic devices like computers, tablets, and smartboards, all of which emit EMFs. While these tools enhance learning, their widespread use contributes to the overall EMF levels in the school environment.

3. Cell Phones and Other Personal Devices

Students and staff often carry personal devices like cell phones and smartwatches, which are additional sources of EMFs. These devices, although individually low in emission, collectively contribute to the EMF levels in schools, especially in crowded areas like cafeterias and assemblies.

4. Electrical Systems

Schools, like any other building, have extensive electrical systems for lighting, heating, and other functions. These systems generate low-frequency EMFs, which, although less discussed, are omnipresent in the school environment.

Why Parental Mindfulness is Important

Awareness and mindfulness about EMF exposure in schools are vital for several reasons:

  • Children’s Vulnerability: As discussed, children are more susceptible to the potential effects of EMFs due to their developing bodies and brains.
  • Cumulative Exposure: The cumulative exposure to EMFs in schools, when added to that at home and elsewhere, raises concerns about the overall EMF burden on children.
  • Preventive Measures: Mindful parents can advocate for measures to reduce EMF exposure, such as promoting wired internet connections where feasible, encouraging schools to turn off Wi-Fi routers when not in use, or limiting the use of personal devices during school hours.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Understanding the sources of EMF in schools empowers parents to make informed decisions about their children’s exposure, like choosing protective measures or discussing concerns with school administrators.

The Rise and Dangers of Cell Towers Near Schools

The proliferation of cell phone towers, especially with the advent of 4G and 5G technologies, has escalated concerns about EMF radiation in schools. This 400-word section delves into the implications of these developments for EMF exposure in educational settings.

1. Increased EMF Levels with 4G and 5G

The transition from 3G to 4G and now 5G technology in cellular networks has led to an increase in EMF radiation levels. These newer technologies, while offering faster internet speeds and better connectivity, emit higher frequencies of EMFs. The placement of cell phone towers near schools is particularly concerning as it could lead to heightened exposure for students.

2. Proximity of Cell Towers to Schools

Cell towers are often located near schools due to the need for robust network coverage in densely populated areas. This proximity means that students spend considerable time in close range to these EMF sources during crucial developmental phases of their lives.

3. Children’s Vulnerability to EMF Radiation

Children are more vulnerable to the potential risks of EMF radiation. Their developing brains and bodies might absorb more EMF radiation compared to adults, and the long-term health impacts of this exposure are still being studied. With the intensification of EMF radiation due to 4G and 5G networks, the concern for children’s health becomes more pronounced.

4. The Debate Over Health Risks

The health risks associated with EMF radiation from cell towers are a topic of ongoing debate. While some studies suggest a possible link to health issues, including sleep disturbances, headaches, and cognitive impairment, the scientific community has not reached a consensus. This uncertainty fuels concerns among parents and educators about the potential risks to children.

5. The Need for Precautionary Measures

In light of these concerns, there is a growing call for precautionary measures regarding the placement of cell towers near schools. This includes advocating for stricter regulations on tower placement, conducting regular EMF radiation assessments in schools, and raising awareness about EMF exposure among parents and school communities.


The rise of cell phone towers, particularly with 4G and 5G technologies, has escalated EMF radiation levels in schools, raising concerns about the exposure of children to these fields. Given the ongoing research and debates about the health implications, adopting a cautious approach and advocating for protective measures in school environments is prudent. It is essential to balance the benefits of advanced technology with the health and safety of students, ensuring that educational settings remain conducive to both learning and well-being.