The Move from 4G to 5G: What's the Damage? - airestech

The Move from 4G to 5G: What's the Damage?

In this era of rapid technological advancements, the transition from 4G to 5G has become a significant topic of discussion. Not only does it promise faster speeds and enhanced connectivity, but it also raises concerns about the potential impact on our health. In this article, we will delve into the dissimilarities between these two technologies and explore the evolving health landscape. Let’s explore why this topic has gained increased relevance today and examine relatable examples to better understand its significance.

Understanding the Shift: The shift to 5G is primarily motivated by the growing need for faster speed and higher bandwidth in communication between devices. Picture a world where your cell phone, car, or even refrigerator is connected to the internet, exchanging data seamlessly. 5G achieves this by utilizing shorter and more compact waves, enabling the transfer of a greater amount of data within the same time frame. In contrast, the waves in a 4G signal are much longer, limiting its data capacity.

Implications of 5G’s Design: It is important to note that the 5G signal has a shorter effective range and is more easily obstructed by physical barriers, such as buildings. To overcome this challenge, 5G towers need to be placed more densely compared to their 4G counterparts. The 5G signal range can also be divided into two frequency bands: low and high. The high-frequency band consists of shorter millimeter waves, while the low-frequency band encompasses waves closer to a centimeter in length. The high band facilitates faster data transfer, but its range is significantly shorter and more susceptible to interruptions. Consequently, 5G towers generally cannot provide high band connections alone. To address this, “small cell” 5G stations have been developed to provide high band 5G signals in specific areas. These small cells are integrated into everyday objects like lamp posts, electric poles, and traffic lights.

Enhanced Connectivity and Health Concerns: Over the past few decades, as cell phone technology has become increasingly prevalent, we have witnessed a 66% surge in annual cancer-related deaths and a notable rise in electro-sensitivity among the population. Although the long-term health effects of 5G technology remain uncertain, its higher wave frequency and street-level placement raise concerns about increased exposure to 5G signals. The question arises: Will we witness negative effects emerging sooner than anticipated? Only time will reveal the answers.

The transition from 4G to 5G marks a significant milestone in the world of communication technology. While the benefits of faster speeds and enhanced connectivity are promising, it is essential to consider the potential health implications associated with 5G. As we continue to explore and adapt to this evolving landscape, further research and monitoring are crucial to ensure the well-being of individuals. By staying informed and aware, we can navigate the transition to 5G more confidently.

Updated: July 2nd, 2023