Spotlight : Dr. Nicholas Dogris - airestech

Spotlight : Dr. Nicholas Dogris


Earlier this year, Aires teamed up with Dr. Nicholas Dogris to perform a brain scan demonstration with our technology. As a neuroscientist and licensed psychologist, plus his 30+ years of experience in the field of EEG, Dr. Dogris was an ideal candidate to perform the tests. Coming in with little to no exposure to Aires Tech allowed for a clean slate with an opportunity to give his professional opinion without bias.

Dr. Dogris performed three tests on each of the four participants in the demonstration, beginning with a baseline analysis of their normal brain activity. Following the baseline, he administered the second EEG while the participants used their electronics for an amount of time, close to their heads. Finally, the Aires Lifetune products were introduced as the participants used their electronics in the same manner as in the second test.

Following the three brain scans, Dr. Dogris analyzed the results of the EEG brain scans, comparing the data to averages representative of a population similar to the participants. Dr. Dogris then sat down to give a post-interview explaining what he saw and his opinion on Aires Tech. Check out the interview below to see what he found!

Watch the Video: Dr. Nicholas Dogris Explains